CSIR - Centre for Cellular & Molecular Biology
Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
Ministry of Science & Technology, Govt. of India
This page provides information on CCMB campus responses to COVID-19, coordinated by the medical centre and the CCMB management. It will be updated frequently with current information and instructions. Advisory on Air-borne Transmission of Coronavirus
CCMB Campuses' COVID-19 Response Plan
Don’t panic, and take care to minimize spread. Social Distancing is the key.Much more stringent guidelines will apply should there be such a case, and contingency plans are in preparation for this.
If you have the above symptoms, please contact your local medical centre. If on campus, please immediately wear a mask and contact the medical Centre at Phone number. The CCMB Medical Officer, Dr. Venugopal, is the only person authorized to issue a fitness certificate for returning to campus.
Information and Awareness:
All CCMB staff (including students, project trainees, scientists, administration, security, canteen, support staff and contract staff) have been given updated information and guidelines of our campus response and rules by their respective team leaders and each attendee’s signature has been taken to ensure that all are aware.
General guidelines:
Quarantine guidelines:
Information for people entering quarantine on campus
The goal of quarantine is to isolate you until it is clear that you were not infected with COVID during your travel, or due to close contact with someone who travelled recently. On-campus quarantine facilities are designated in 4 units in CCMB Quarters; details are here. We suggest that you mentally prepare for quarantine.
Remember that the social isolation necessary during quarantine will likely incur a degree of anxiety, although we will try our best to make you comfortable. Treat the staff at the quarantine centre with due courtesy and respect; they are after all risking their health while performing their duties. Be patient, the systems are still being set up. In case of any problems or questions, contact Puran (2719-2926), or Rajendra Prasad (2719-2768).
What will be provided during quarantine
What to bring with you while entering quarantine
During the quarantine period
Campus Entry Rules:
Instructions for ALL Campus Members:
Instructions for Students:
Precautions taken on campus:
What to do if family members return home from outside Hyderabad
Is CCMB going to be shutdown if situation outside (in Hyderabad) worsens?If so , will the canteen and medical facility operate?
The campus does not plan a shutdown, but we have to obey city requirements. The canteen/medical facilities will work to the extent permitted by the city. They may operate at reduced capacity but we don't anticipate a full closure as they are essential services.
Are the CCMB hostels going to be vacated to control the spread of virus?
There is no intention to shut the hostels. In case there is a need to shut the canteen to comply with city guidelines in case of emergency, efforts will be made to enable local food arrangements.
What to do about someone who has difficulty getting home? Will there be skeleton services on campus in case there is a lockdown?
Yes, there will be skeleton services and people in real tight situations will be helped. See above FAQ.
If someone is planning for a synopsis/pre synopsis seminar, how to arrange for it?
Ask the academic cell. Note that thesis viva will be done online.
Will the Creche stay operational ?
The latest DOPT circular mandates closure of all creches. This will be done by the end of the week. Staff can take childcare leave if needed.
Can we get testing done to clear ourselves and those suspected to be positive?
Testing is only done as per doctor's recommendation, for the following reasons:
When to decide if you should consult the campus doctor?
See the doctor if you have the Covid symptoms, after making an appointment.
How to differentiate between common cold and Covid 19?
See link https://www.bbc.com/news/av/health-51934576/how-do-i-know-if-i-have-coronavirus,But the doctor has the final say.
How safe is it to travel in public transport on a daily basis?
It increases your exposure. Try to limit. Use disinfectant measures like hand wash.
How do we ensure safety in CCMB bus/shuttle ?
See web page for procedures already in place and planned. In brief, disinfection, less crowding, and more trips to reduce crowding.
If the profession of my family members is such that they come in contact with a lot of people on a daily basis, should I not come to lab, or get a temporary place to stay unless situation gets better.
Bear in mind Social Distance and work it out with your PI
What kind of experiments should we plan during this time?
Work it out with your PI. Probably one would not like everything to grind to a halt. Bear in mind that the progress of the pandemic is not fully known.
Can I get food/parcel deliveries from Swiggy etc?
Deliveries should be picked up only at the gate (main gate or hostel gate). If someone in quarantine needs a delivery, they should work it out with the designated caretaker as per quarantine guidelines.
If I have travelled within the city, can I come to the campus?
Yes, but please monitor yourself, and limit interactions with people. You will be subject to thermal scanning at the gate. If a fever is detected, the course of action will be as indicated in item 3.
FAQs About Self-Quarantine:
What is self quarantine?
Self quarantine is when an individual limits social interaction and stays at a secluded place, such as their home, for a period of time to minimize the risk of transmitting the coronavirus. Inform the medical centre before taking this step.
How long do I have to be under self-quarantine?
Self-quarantine will be 15 days for those who have travelled internationally or within the country by AIR, or come in contact with someone who has travelled under these circumstances.
Self-quarantine will be 15 days for those who have travelled within India but outside Hyderabad by NON-AIR modes, or come in contact with someone who travelled has travelled under these circumstances.
Do I have to self-quarantine if I’m visited by people from out of town?
Yes. Please please follow the self-quarantine advisory before returning to campus. Inform the medical centre before taking this step.
How long should I self-quarantine if I feel normal/fine?
Please self-quarantine for
(i) 15 days for AIR travel internationally or within India
(ii) 15 days for non-AIR travel outside Hyderabad city.
(iii) Make an appointment with the campus medical centre to be cleared before resuming work on campus.
ANTI-FAQ: what not to do
General COVID-19 FAQ: https://www.who.int/news-room/q-a-detail/q-a-coronaviruses
Campus response structure