CSIR - Centre for Cellular & Molecular Biology
Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
Ministry of Science & Technology, Govt. of India
The Centre for Cellular & Molecular Biology (CCMB) is a premier research organization in frontier areas of modern biology. The objectives of the Centre are to conduct high quality basic research and training in frontier areas of modern biology, and promote centralised national facilities for new and modern techniques in the inter-disciplinary areas of biology.
CCMB was set up initially as a semi-autonomous Centre on April 1, 1977 with the Biochemistry Division of the then Regional Research Laboratory (presently, Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, IICT) Hyderabad forming its nucleus and Dr P M Bhargava heading the new Centre. CCMB moved to its present campus on November 26, 1987.
MoreCCMB conducts exploratory research addressing the fundamental questions in biology. It also seeks to develop technology based on the basic research findings towards the unmet societal needs of the country.
Title: 1.Structural studies into molecular controls of actin cytoskeleton assembly and disassembly 2. Delineating the role of ZNF526 in early neurodevelopmental spectrum
Venue : Lecture Hall
Date : 12-02-2025 | Time : 04:00 PM
Title: 1.Dynamic regulation of structure & function of Mitochondrial Respiratory Complexes 2. Origin and dynamic of Chytridiomycosis in amphibian
Venue : Lecture Hall
Date : 13-02-2025 | Time : 04:00 PM
Title: 1.Investigating the Role of Anti-viral Transcription Factors in SARS-CoV-2 and Other RNA Viral Infections
Venue : Lecture Hall
Date : 14-02-2025 | Time : 04:00 PM
List of shortlisted candidates for the interview, for various temporary positions against CCMB Web Notif.No.0125/A
, 458.7 KB, ] - [07-02-2025]
List of shortlisted candidates for the various temporary positions against CCMB Web Notif.No.1224/B
, 936.3 KB, ] - [21-01-2025]
List of selected candidates for various temporary project positions against CCMB Web Notif.No.1124/C
, 367.5 KB, ] - [10-01-2025]
List of selected candidates for various temporary project positions against CCMB Web Notif.No.1224/A
, 445.7 KB, ] - [10-01-2025]
List of selected candidates for various temporary project positions against CCMB Web Notif.No.1124/B
, 608.2 KB, ] - [02-01-2025]
List of selected candidates for various temporary project positions against CCMB Web Notif.No.1124/A
, 550.4 KB, ] - [02-01-2025]
List of shortlisted candidates for the various temporary positions against CCMB Web Notif.No.1224/A
, 668.1 KB, ] - [26-12-2024]
List of shortlisted candidates for the various temporary positions against CCMB Web Notif.No.1124/C
, 243.7 KB, ] - [26-12-2024]
List of selected candidates for the post codes 011024B,041024B & 051024B against CCMB Web Notif.No.1024/B
, 417.6 KB, ] - [26-12-2024]
Notice regarding Interview Schedule for provisionally shortlisted candidates for the Post Code:C05 against Advt.No: 03/2023
, 256.7 KB, ] - [18-12-2024]
List of shortlisted candidates for the various temporary positions against CCMB Web Notif.No.1124/A
, 367.4 KB, ] - [12-12-2024]
List of shortlisted candidates for the various temporary positions against CCMB Web Notif.No.1124/B
, 892.4 KB, ] - [12-12-2024]
List of selected candidates for against Notif.1024A for post codes 011024A, 041024A & 051024A
, 583 KB, ] - [12-12-2024]
CSIR-CCMB Jan-2025 PhD Programme: List of selected candidates
, 303.8 KB, ] - [11-12-2024]
Advt.No: 05/2023: List of provisionally selected candidate for the post of Senior Technical Officer (1)/Medical Officer
, 735.4 KB, ] - [05-12-2024]
Result of the Project positions against Notif.1024A for the post codes 021024A, 031024A, 061024A & 071024A
, 420 KB, ] - [05-12-2024]
List of shortlisted candidates for the temporary positions against CCMB Web Notif.No.1024/A for the Post Code:051024A
, 377.2 KB, ] - [22-11-2024]
List of shortlisted candidates for the temporary positions against CCMB Web Notif.No.1024/B
, 429.8 KB, ] - [22-11-2024]
List of shortlisted candidates for the temporary positions against CCMB Web Notif.No.1024/A
, 434.5 KB, ] - [08-11-2024]
CSIR-CCMB Jan-2025 PhD Programme: List of shortlisted candidates for the 1st round of Interview
, 90 KB, ] - [04-11-2024]
List of selected candidates for the temporary positions against CCMB Web Notif.No.0924/A
, 663.6 KB, ] - [23-10-2024]
List of selected candidates for the temporary positions against CCMB Web Notif.No.0824/B
, 566.1 KB, ] - [22-10-2024]
List of shortlisted candidates for the temporary positions against CCMB Web Notif.No.0824/B
, 384.4 KB, ] - [30-09-2024]
Re-schedule of Trade Test for the Post codes T 07 & T 11 on 17.09.2024 against Advt. No. 01/2021
, 260.9 KB, ] - [11-09-2024]
List of selected candidates for the temporary positions against CCMB Web Notif.No.0724/B
, 72.5 KB, ] - [10-09-2024]
List of selected candidates for the temporary positions against CCMB Web Notif.No.W0824/A
, 510.5 KB, ] - [10-09-2024]
List of selected candidates for the temporary positions against CCMB Web Notif.No.0824/A
, 494 KB, ] - [09-09-2024]
List of shortlisted candidates for the temporary positions against CCMB Web Notif.No.0824/A
, 250.4 KB, ] - [27-08-2024]
List of shortlisted candidates for the temporary positions against CCMB Web Notif.No.0724/B
, 727.7 KB, ] - [26-08-2024]
Result of selected candidates for the temporary positions against CCMB Web Notif.No.0724/A
, 621.2 KB, ] - [21-08-2024]
List of selected candidates for the temporary positions against CCMB Web Notif.No.0624/A
, 917.6 KB, ] - [14-08-2024]
List of shortlisted candidates for the temporary positions against CCMB Web Notif.No.0724/A
, 517.5 KB, ] - [02-08-2024]
List of shortlisted candidates for the temporary positions against CCMB Web Notif.No.0624/A
, 1.3 MB, ] - [19-07-2024]
List of Provisionally empanelled candidates for Engagement as Project staff Vide Notif.No.2024/1
, 178 KB, ] - [15-07-2024]
Result of temporary positions against CCMB Web Notif.No.0524/D
, 423 KB, ] - [11-07-2024]
List of provisionally selected candidates for the posts of Security Officer against Advt.No:02/2023
, 859.6 KB, ] - [08-07-2024]
Result of temporary positions against CCMB Web Notif.No.0524/E
, 479.9 KB, ] - [02-07-2024]
Result of temporary positions against CCMB Web Notif.No.0424/B
, 333.4 KB, ] - [27-06-2024]
List of shortlisted candidates for the temporary positions against CCMB Web Notif.No.2024/01
, 2.7 MB, ] - [26-06-2024]
Result of temporary positions against CCMB Web Notif.No.0424/E
, 497.7 KB, ] - [24-06-2024]
Result of temporary positions against CCMB Web Notif.No.0524/B
, 556.7 KB, ] - [24-06-2024]
List of shortlisted candidates for the temporary positions against CCMB Web Notif.No.0524/E
, 310.9 KB, ] - [24-06-2024]
Result of temporary positions against CCMB Web Notif.No.W0624A
, 518 KB, ] - [24-06-2024]
List of shortlisted candidates for the temporary positions against CCMB Web Notif.No.0524/D
, 904.2 KB, ] - [20-06-2024]
Result of temporary positions against CCMB Web Notif.No.0524/A
, 356 KB, ] - [18-06-2024]
Result of temporary positions against CCMB Web Notif.No.0424/D
, 290 KB, ] - [11-06-2024]
Result of temporary positions against CCMB Web Notif.No.0424/E
, 316.7 KB, ] - [11-06-2024]
Result of temporary positions against CCMB Web Notif.No.0524/C
, 494.5 KB, ] - [11-06-2024]
CSIR-CCMB Aug-2024 PhD Programme: List of selected candidates
, 659 KB, ] - [10-06-2024]
List of shortlisted candidates for interview for various temporary positions against CCMB Web Notif.No.0524/A
, 1.5 MB, ] - [05-06-2024]
Result of temporary positions against CCMB Web Notif.No.0424/D
, 506.3 KB, ] - [05-06-2024]
Result of temporary positions against CCMB Web Notif.No.0524/A
, 479.1 KB, ] - [05-06-2024]
Result of temporary positions against CCMB Web Notif.No.0524/B
, 542.3 KB, ] - [05-06-2024]
Result of temporary positions against CCMB Web Notif.No.0524/C
, 456 KB, ] - [05-06-2024]
List of shortlisted candidates for interview for various temporary positions against CCMB Web Notif.No.0424/D
, 920.4 KB, ] - [04-06-2024]
List of shortlisted candidates for interview for various temporary positions against CCMB Web Notif.No.0424/E
, 451.2 KB, ] - [04-06-2024]
List of shortlisted candidates for interview for various temporary positions against CCMB Web Notif.No.0524/B
, 406 KB, ] - [04-06-2024]
Notice regarding Schedule of Physical and Personality Assessment Test for the 02 posts of Security Officer Advt. No. 02/2023
, 298.2 KB, ] - [03-06-2024]
Notification for Faculty position - [29-05-2024]
List of shortlisted candidates for interview for various temporary positions against CCMB Web Notif.No.0524/C (Part-2)
, 795.4 KB, ] - [29-05-2024]
List of shortlisted candidates for interview for various temporary positions against CCMB Web Notif.No.0424/E
, 422.6 KB, ] - [29-05-2024]
List of shortlisted candidates for interview for various temporary positions against CCMB Web Notif.No.0424/D
, 368.8 KB, ] - [29-05-2024]
List of shortlisted candidates for interview for various temporary positions against CCMB Web Notif.No.0424/D
, 488.6 KB, ] - [22-05-2024]
List of shortlisted candidates for interview for various temporary positions against CCMB Web Notif.No.0524/B
, 539.4 KB, ] - [22-05-2024]
List of shortlisted candidates for interview for various temporary positions against CCMB Web Notif.No.0524/C
, 246.9 KB, ] - [22-05-2024]
Result of temporary positions against CCMB Web Notif.No.0424A
, 472.8 KB, ] - [20-05-2024]
Result of temporary positions against CCMB Web Notif.No.0424/C
, 555.4 KB, ] - [16-05-2024]
CSIR-CCMB Aug-2024 PhD Programme: List of shortlisted candidates for final round of Interview
, 435.7 KB, ] - [16-05-2024]
Result of temporary positions against CCMB Web Notif.No.W0424/A
, 471.2 KB, ] - [15-05-2024]
Selected candidate for position of Scientific Administrative Assistant against Notif.no.W020424A
, 539.7 KB, ] - [09-05-2024]
CSIR-CCMB Aug-2024 PhD Programme: List of shortlisted candidates for the 1st round of Interview
, 449 KB, ] - [06-05-2024]
List of selected candidates for various temporary project positions against Notif.no.0324B
, 416.4 KB, ] - [03-05-2024]
List of shortlisted candidates for interview for various temporary position against CCMB Web Notif.No.0424/C
, 395.7 KB, ] - [02-05-2024]
List of shortlisted candidates for interview for various temporary position against CCMB Web Notif.No.0424/A
, 347.1 KB, ] - [02-05-2024]
List of selected candidates for various temporary project positions against Notif.no.0324A (Part-2)
, 208.4 KB, ] - [26-04-2024]
List of selected candidates for various temporary project positions against Notif.no.0324A
, 1 MB, ] - [19-04-2024]
List of shortlisted candidates for interview for various temporary position against CCMB Web Notif.No.0324/B
, 1015.1 KB, ] - [18-04-2024]
Selected candidate for the position of Psychological Counsellor against Notif.no.0224B
, 430.3 KB, ] - [08-04-2024]
List of shortlisted candidates for interview for various temporary position against CCMB Web Notif.No.0324/A
, 1.7 MB, ] - [01-04-2024]
Selected candidate for the position of Research Associate-III against CCMB Web Notif.No.W0324/A
, 310.2 KB, ] - [01-04-2024]
List of Selected Students for CCMB Summer Training Programme - 2024
, 633.4 KB, ] - [01-04-2024]
List of selected candidates for various temporary position (postcode: 040224A,050224A) against CCMB Web Notif.No.0224/A
, 505.4 KB, ] - [27-03-2024]
List of selected candidates for various temporary position (postcode: 010224A) against CCMB Web Notif.No.0224/A
, 468.2 KB, ] - [19-03-2024]
Result of various temporary positions against CCMB Web Notif.No.W0224/A
, 449 KB, ] - [13-03-2024]
CCMB Invites Applications for Aug-2024 PhD Programme - [04-03-2024]
List of shortlisted candidates for interview for various temporary positions against CCMB Web Notif.No.0224/A
, 366.7 KB, ] - [04-03-2024]
List of selected candidates for various temporary positions against CCMB Web Notif.No.0124/A
, 324 KB, ] - [16-02-2024]
List of selected candidates for various temporary positions against CCMB Web Notif.No.1223/A
, 579.9 KB, ] - [06-02-2024]
List of shortlisted candidates for various temporary positions against CCMB Web Notif.No.0124A
, 579.7 KB, ] - [06-02-2024]
Corrigendum with regard to Advertisement No. 04/2023
, 86.2 KB, ] - [02-01-2024]
Advertisement No. 01/2021 for the post of Technicians - [06-02-2021]