CSIR - Centre for Cellular & Molecular Biology
Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
Ministry of Science & Technology, Govt. of India
Tender Title | Reference No. | Tender_Close Date & Time | Published_Date |
Tender notice for Annual Maintenance Contract for BD FACS Aria Fusion | 3051/160125/1496/MISC/AMC | 07-02-2025 | |
Tender notice for Supply of lIIumina Consumables. | 3289/230125/1554/MISC | 05-02-2025 | |
Global Tender Enquiry (GTE) for Supply and installation of Multimode Microplate Reader | 1807/270924/1819/EQPT | 03-03-2025 up to 2:30PM | 04-02-2025 |
Global Tender Enquiry (GTE) for Supply and installation of High Performance Chromatography including thin layer UHPLC [to be coupled with Mass Spectrometry] | 1722/200924/1355/EQPT | 20-02-2025 up to 2:30PM | 30-01-2025 |
Tender notice for Supply of HPLC Tubings | 3437/280125/1355/MISC | 30-01-2025 | |
Tender notice for comprehensive AMC for Hemoglobin Variant Detection System | 2700/141224/1554/MISC/AMC | 28-01-2025 | |
Tender notice for Supply of Live Mice | 2650/131224/1630/MISC | 28-01-2025 | |
Tender notice for Renewal of Symantec Endpoint Protection Licenses with 3-year support | 2806/201224/1681/MISC | 27-01-2025 | |
Tender notice for Comprehensive AMC 600 MHz NMR Spectromerter | 2380/121124/1653/MISC/AMC | 24-01-2025 | |
Open Tender Enquiry (OTE) for Supply and installation of Electroporator | 1221/060824/1751/EQPT | 20-01-2025 | |
Tender notice for Supply of Nanopore Sequencing Kits. | 2699/141224/1620/CH | 13-01-2025 | |
Tender notice for Supply of illumina Library Kits. | 2984/070125/1827/CH | 13-01-2025 | |
Tender notice for Supply of Consumables. | 2808/231224/1788/CH | 09-01-2025 | |
Tender notice for Comprehensive AMC for Hemoglobin Variant Detection System | 2700/141224/1SS4/MISC/ AMC | 07-01-2025 | |
Tender notice for Supply of Live Mice. | .2650/131224/1630/MISC | 06-01-2025 | |
Tender notice for Supply of MGI Sequencing Kits. | 2574/101224/1572/CH | 03-01-2025 | |
Tender notice for AMC of BD FACS Analyzer LSR Fortessa, Serial Number: H647788L5006 for a period of 1 year. | 2400/ 141124/l496/MISC/ AMC | 02-01-2025 | |
Open Tender Enquiry (OTE) for Supply and installation of DNA Fragmentor | 1881/051024/1649/EQPT | 15-01-2025 up to 2:30PM | 17-12-2024 |
Tender notice for Supply of Consumables. | 2406/191124/1653/CH | 16-12-2024 | |
Tender notice for AMC of BD FACS Analyzer. LSR Fortessa, Serial Number: H647788L5006 for a period of 1 year. | 2400/ 141124/l496/MISC/ AMC | 13-12-2024 | |
Global Tender Enquiry (GTE) for Supply and installation of High Performance Chromatography including thin layer UHPLC [to be coupled with Mass Spectrometry] | 1722/200924/1355/EQPT | 06-01-2025 up to 2:30PM | 12-12-2024 |
Open Tender Enquiry (OTE) for Supply and installation of GPU Nodes/Servers | 1882/051024/1772/EQPT | 30-12-2024 up to 2:30PM | 11-12-2024 |
Tender notice for NET APP E5760 Storage Upgrade | 1883/051024/1772/EQPT | 10-12-2024 | |
Tender notice for Comprehensive AMC for GridION Sequencing System. | 2529/291124/1620/MISC | 10-12-2024 | |
Tender notice for Supply of Autoclavable Rodent Feed. | 1793/2S0924/1630/MISC | 10-12-2024 | |
Global Tender Enquiry (GTE) for Supply and installation of Ultra High Resolution Field Emission Biological Scanning Electron Microscope with Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy [EDS] Analyzer | 1630/110924/1817/EQPT | 01-01-2025 up to 2:30PM | 09-12-2024 |
Open Tender Enquiry (OTE) for Supply and installation of Speed Vac Concentrator | 1884/051024/1792/EQPT | 01-01-2024 up to 2:30PM | 06-12-2024 |
Tender notice for Supply of spares for Rigaku, Micromax-007HF X-ray generator. | 2386/141124/177S/SPARE | 02-12-2024 | |
Tender notice for Comprehensive AMC for Gamma Spectroscopy System with NAI(TI) Detector | 1577/090924/8889/MISC | 02-12-2024 | |
Limited Tender Enquiry (LTE) for Comprehensive AMC for Dell Poweredge Servers - 10Nos | 2195/261 024/1592/MISC | 30-12-2024 up to 10:00AM | 02-12-2024 |
Tender notice for Comprehensive AMC 600 MHz NMR Spectrometer | 2380/121124/1653/MISC/AMC | 02-12-2024 | |
Limited Tender for Supply of Reagents and Kits. | 2046/151024/1827/MISC | 02-12-2024 | |
Tender notice for Supply of MATLAB Software with the following Add on Tool boxes | 2012/151024/1652/MISC | 29-11-2024 | |
Global Tender Enquiry (GTE) for Supply and installation of Multichannel High Speed Super Resolution Imaging System based on Structural Illumination Microscopy | 0556/050624/1829/EQPT | 19-12-2024 up to 02:30PM | 20-11-2024 |
Open Tender Enquiry (OTE) for Supply and installation of Automated Electrophoresis System | 1799/250924/1620/EQPT | 25-11-2024 up to 02:30PM | 08-11-2024 |
Tender notice for Comprehensive AMC for Gamma Spectroscopy System with NAI(TI) Detector | 1577/090924/8889/MISC | 05-11-2024 | |
Tender notice for Supply of spares for Individual Ventilated Cage Machine. | 2048/1S1024/1630/MISC | 30-10-2024 | |
Tender Notice for Supply of Consumables. | 1850/270924/1814/CH | 28-10-2024 | |
Tender Notice for Supply of Turbo Pump. | 2067 /221024/1775/MISC | 28-10-2024 | |
Tender Notice for Supply of spares for existing QE-HF mass spectrometer | 2054/171024/1646/MISC | 28-10-2024 | |
Open Tender Enquiry (OTE) for Comprehensive AMC for IBM X M3 Servers - 5Nos. | 2047/151 024/1678/MISC | 25-11-2024 up to 10:00AM | 28-10-2024 |
Tender notice for AMC of NovaSeq 6000 Bronze Support Plan and Reagent Replacement Add-On 01 Model and Serial Number: A02021 for a period of 1 year | 1792/250924/1827/MISC/ AMC | 28-10-2024 | |
Open Tender Enquiry (OTE) for Supply and installation of Rack Mount Server
Corrigendum for Extension of BID Submission Date, Dtd:20-11-2024 |
1501/050924/1751/EQPT | 20-11-2024 up to 2:30PM | 24-10-2024 |
Tender Notice for Comprehensive AMC of Bio Chemistry Analyzer | 2052/161024/1719/MISC | 23-10-2024 | |
Tender Notice for Supply of D-Glucose | 1225/060824/1652/CH | 22-10-2024 | |
Tender Notice for Supply of Consumables. | 1639/110924/1819/CH | 22-10-2024 | |
Tender Notice for Supply of BD Antibodies and Reagents. | 1567/060924/1722/CH | 21-10-2024 | |
Tender Notice for Supply of Hemo Klen Taq Polymerase | 1651/130924/1554/CH | 21-10-2024 | |
Global Tender Enquiry (GTE) for Supply and installation of Multimode Microplate Reader | 1807/270924/1819/EQPT | 15-11-2024 up to 2:30PM | 16-10-2024 |
Open Tender Enquiry (OTE) for Supply and installation of Ultra High Resolution Field Emission Biological Scanning Electron Microscope with Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy [EDS] Analyzer | 1630/110924/1817/EQPT | 06-11-2024 up to 2:30PM | 07-10-2024 |
Global Tender Enquiry (GTE) for Supply and installation of Plant Growth Chamber | 13225/190124/1787/EQPT | 04-11-2024 up to 2:30PM | 04-10-2024 |
Global Tender Enquiry (GTE) for Supply and installation of High Performance Chromatography including UHPLC [to be coupled with Mass Spectrometry] | 1722/200924/1355/EQPT | 05-11-2024 up to 2:30PM | 04-10-2024 |
Global Tender Enquiry (GTE) for Supply and installation of Protein Purification System [Fast Protein Liquid Chromatography Systems along with suitable cold cabinet and accessories] | 1500/050924/1817/EQPT | 04-11-2024 up to 2:30PM | 04-10-2024 |
Open Tender Enquiry (OTE) for Supply and installation of Electroporator | 1221/060824/1751/EQPT | on or before 15th October 2024 – 02.30 p.m | 01-10-2024 |
Open Tender Enquiry (OTE) for Supply and installation of Air Sampler | 0414/240524/1695/EQPT | 23-10-2024 up to 2:30PM | 30-09-2024 |
Tender notice for Supply of Diaminopimelic acid | 1226/060824/1412/CH | 30-09-2024 | |
Tender notice for Supply and refill of Liquid Helium | 1227/060824/1636/MISC | 30-09-2024 | |
Tender notice for Supply of Consumables | 1420/270824/1825/CH | 30-09-2024 | |
Tender notice for rate contract for Chemicals,Bio-Chemicals, Glassware, Plasticware etc, for use in CCMB Laboratory | 1708/190924/STOR/CH/RC | 08-10-2024 | 27-09-2024 |
Tender notice for Annual Maintenance Contract of Synology OS1815+8 Bay NAS for a period of 2 years | 0997/200724/1682/MISC/ AMC | 27-09-2024 | |
Tender notice for procuring License for Dragen Server Lvl4 for 1 Year License | 1367 /210824/1572/MISC/ AMC | 20-09-2024 | |
Global Tender Enquiry (GTE) for Supply and installation of Portable Fluorescence Microscope | 1157/270724/1819/EQPT | 18-09-2024 up to 1:00PM | 30-08-2024 |
Tender notice for Supply and installation of NMR Computer Workstation for Micro-imaging along with transfer of topspin 3,5p17 and paravision 6 licenses. | 1130/270724/1652/EQPT | 27-08-2024 | |
Global Tender Enquiry (GTE) for Supply of 32 Phosphorus Acid Radioactive Material | 13754/120324/8005/CH | 04-09-2024 up to 1:00PM | 14-08-2024 |
Open Tender Enquiry (OTE) for Supply and installation of Multichannel High Speed Super Resolution Imaging System based on Structural Illumination Microscopy | 0556/050624/1829/EQPT | 27-08-2024 up to 2:30PM | 25-07-2024 |
Open Tender Enquiry (OTE) for Supply and installation of High End Operating Microscope | 0413/240524/1792/EQPT | 21-08-2024 up to 2:30PM | 25-07-2024 |
Open Tender Enquiry (OTE) for Supply and installation of Micro Volume UV_VIS Spectrophotometer | 0462/250524/1816/EQPT | 31-07-2024 up to 2:30PM | 11-07-2024 |
Open Tender Enquiry (OTE) for Supply and installation of 3D Bio-printer for Cell Culture | 0494/300524/1645/EQPT | 31-07-2024 up to 2:30PM | 11-07-2024 |
Tender notice of AMC for 4200 Tapestation, HP Laptop & Software | 0655/140624/1649/MISC/AMC | 26-06-2024 | |
Tender notice for AMC for Leica Confocal Microscope TCS SP 8 STED 3X for a period of 1 year | 0215/030524/1778/MISC/AMC | 07-06-2024 | |
Tender notice for Comprehensive AMC for GridION Sequencing Instrument. | 0148/260424/1772/MISCfAMC | 07-06-2024 | |
Tender notice for Security Manpower Service (Version 2.0) | GEM/2024/B/4962333 | 06-06-2024 | |
Global Tender Enquiry (GTE) for Supply and installation of Tissue/Cell Homogenizer/Bead Beater [Cell Lysate Instrument] | 11370/210723/1722/EQPT | 26-06-2024 up to 2:30PM | 04-06-2024 |
Tender notice for AMC for Evident Olympus FV3000 for a period of 1 year | 0214/030524/1839 /MISC/ AMC | 04-06-2024 | |
Tender notice for Supply of NovaSeq Consumables. | 0211/020524/1572/CH | 31-05-2024 | |
Open Tender Enquiry (OTE) for Supply and installation of Rack Mountable Servers | 0147/260424/1592/EQPT | 01-07-2024 up to 2:30PM | 31-05-2024 |
Tender notice for Supply of spares for Carl Zeiss Confocal Microscope LSM 880: He-Ne-Laser 543nm LGK7786P W/fiber coupl for existing LSM880 Confocal Microscope | 0192/010524/1778/MISC | 30-05-2024 | |
Open Tender Enquiry (OTE) for Supply and installation of GPU Server | 13405/270124/1783/EQPT | 25-06-2024 up to 2:30PM | 28-05-2024 |
Tender notice for Non Comprehensive AMC of Cage Washer | 0193/010S24/1630/MISC/AMC | 27-05-2024 | |
Tender notice for Supply of Rodent ELISA Kits. | 13702/270224/1630/CH | 27-05-2024 | |
Tender notice for Outsourcing of the DNA Sequencing Facility at CCMB for a period of three years | BDG/TS/1772/2024-25/26 | 03-06-2024 up to 2:30PM | 10-05-2024 |
Tender notice for Renewal of AMC for Dell Power-edge R430 | 0016/040424/1681 /MISC/ AMC | 03-05-2024 | |
Tender notice for Supply of HPE Aruba Switches. | 13591/31 0124/157.A/EQPT | 01-05-2024 | |
Tender notice for Supply of Consumables | 13765/190324/1572/CH | 21-03-2024 | |
Open Tender Enquiry (OTE) for Comprehensive AMC of Tyrone Rack Mountable Servers. Model: Camarero SS4COTR·14RL - 11 Nos. | 13156/160124/1562/MISC/AMC | 15-04-2024 up to 10:00AM | 19-03-2024 |
Tender notice for Supply and installation of DBS (Dry Blood Spot) Puncher. | 12930/271223/1554/EQPT | 08-03-2024 | |
Tender notice for Supply and installation of Automated Electrophoresis System | 12929/271223/1554/EQPT | 07-03-2024 | |
Tender notice for Supply and installation of 120KVA UPS System | 12824/201223/1731/EQPT | 06-03-2024 | |
Open Tender Enquiry (OTE) for Supply and installation of GPU Server | 13405/270124/1783/EQPT | 02-04-2024 up to 2:30PM | 06-03-2024 |
Tender notice for Supply of Live Mice. | 12654/071223/1630/CH/l | 27-02-2024 | |
Tender notice for Supply of Consumables. | 13028/060124/1554/CH | 27-02-2024 | |
Open Tender Enquiry (OTE) for Supply and installation of Storage Server CORRIGENDUM Dtd:08-03-2024 |
13404/270124/1783/EQPT | 20-03-2024 up to 2:30PM | 23-02-2024 |
Open Tender Enquiry (OTE) for Supply and installation of Plant Growth Chamber | 13225/190124/1787/EQPT | 18-03-2024 up to 2:30PM | 16-02-2024 |
Open Tender Enquiry (OTE) for Comprehensive AMC of Tyrone Rack Mountable Servers Model: Camarero SS4COTR-14RL -11 Nos. | 13156/160124/1562/MISC/AMC | 13-02-2024 | |
Global Tender Enquiry (GTE) for Supply and installation of High End Operating Microscope | 13027/060124/1737/EQPT | 06-03-2024 up to 2:30PM | 08-02-2024 |
Global Tender Enquiry (GTE) for Supply and installation of Microscope with Phase Contrast and Camera attachment CORRIGENDUM (EXTENSION OF TIME FOR SUBMISSION OF TENDERS), Dtd:05-03-2024 |
13026/060124/1737/EQPT | 06-03-2024 up to 2:30PM | 08-02-2024 |
Tender Document for Non Comprehensive AMC of Plant Growth Chamber | 13437/270124/1576/MISC/AMC | 08-02-2024 | |
Tender Document for Non Comprehensive AMC of Conviron Chamber | 13438/270124/1576/MISC/AMC | 08-02-2024 | |
Tender Document for providing Non-Comprehensive AMC of Plant Growth Chamber | 13444/270124/1576/MISC/AMC | 06-02-2024 | |
Global Tender Enquiry (GTE) for Supply and installation of Inverted Fluorescence Microscope with Live Cell Imaging Capability | 12943/291223/1819/EQPT | 05-03-2024 up to 2:30PM | 02-02-2024 |
Tender notice for Supply and installation of Liquid Nitrogen Containers | 13015/030124/1737/EQPT | 28-02-2024 up to 2:30PM | 01-02-2024 |
Tender notice for AMC for Peak Nitrogen Generators. 01 Model and Serial Number: Genius 1022, 770001978 | 12550/2S1123/1646/MISC/AMC | 29-01-2024 | |
Tender notice for Supply of Specialized Rodent Diet. | 12293/301023/1652/MI5C | 29-01-2024 | |
Tender notice for Supply of iIIumina Novaseq 6000 Consumables. | 11920/160923/1620/CH | 29-01-2024 | |
Tender notice for Supply of spares for Rigaku, Micromax-007HF X-ray generator. | 13127/110124/1775/SPARE | 25-01-2024 | |
Tender notice for AMC for existing Laminar Flow Hoods -58 Nos. located in CCMB 58Noss Annex-2 (55 Nos.) Lacones Annex-l (3 Nos.) | 12744/141223/1604jMISCjAMC | 12-01-2024 | |
Tender notice for Supply of support for Ruckus Wi-Fi Controller | 12853/221223/1574/MISC | 12-01-2024 | |
Tender notice for Supply of Accessories for Electroporator. | 12928/271223/1741/SPARE | 12-01-2024 | |
Tender notice for Supply of Spares for FACS Aria Fusion. | 12941/281223/1496/SPARE | 12-01-2024 | |
Tender notice for AMC for IBM X M3 Servers for a period of 1 year | 12447/161123/1678/MISC/AMC | 01-01-2024 | |
Tender notice for Design, Development, and Commissioning of Trilingual (English, Hindi & Telugu) Website of CSIR-CCMB | CCMB/Gen/WB/2023 | 05-01-2024 | 27-12-2023 |
Tender notice for Annual Contract for Empanelment of Recruitment Agency For conducting online registration and examination for Selection of PhD students in CSIR-CCMB | CCMB/GEN/RECTT.AGENCY/2023 | 05-01-2024 up to 05:00PM | 27-12-2023 |
Tender notice for Supply of NGSgo - Full Workflow (11 Locus) | 12239/261023/1554/CH | 21-12-2023 | |
Global Tender Enquiry (GTE) for Supply and installation of Tissue/Cell Homogenizer/Bead Beater [Cell Lysate Instrument] | 11370/210723/1722/EQPT | 16-01-2024 up to 02:30PM | 20-12-2023 |
Tender notice for Supply of IPA Analysis Match explorer | 12342/071123/1652/MISC | 19-12-2023 | |
Tender notice for Supply of spare for Thermo QE HF Mass Spectrometer System | 12445/161123/1646/MISC | 19-12-2023 | |
Tender notice for AMC for PromethION 24 Sequencing Unit. | 12072/111023/1649/MISC/AMC | 19-12-2023 | |
Tender notice for conclusion of AMC for BD FACS Aria Fusion | 11968/260923/l496/MISC/AMC | 11-12-2023 | |
Open Tender Enquiry (OTE) for Supply and installation of Horizontal Rectangular High Pressure Steam Sterilizer [Autoclave] | 11723/300823/1594/EQPT | 04-01-2024 up to 02:30PM | 07-12-2023 |
Open Tender Enquiry (OTE) for Supply and installation of -860C Single Door Upright Ultra Low Temperature Deep Freezers Minutes of the Pre-Bid Meeting held on 21-12-2023 |
11969/260923/1785/EQPT | 10-01-2024 up to 02:30PM | 07-12-2023 |
Open Tender Enquiry (OTE) for Supply and Installation of Electroporation based Transfection System | 12296/021123/1819/EQPT | 02-01-2024 up to 02:30PM | 05-12-2023 |
Supply of Coden Code Alignment Software | 12308/021123/1268/MISC | 01-12-2023 | |
Supply of Quantitative Metabolite Kit | 12169/021023/1788/CH | 01-12-2023 | |
Tender notice for AMC of BD FACS Analyzer. | 11897/160923/1496/MISC/AMC | 01-12-2023 | |
Global Tender Enquiry (GTE) for Supply and installation of Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer
Minutes of Pre-bid meeting, dtd:13-12-2023 |
12111/131023/1788/EQPT | 28-12-2023 up to 02:30PM | 28-11-2023 |
Tender notice for AMC of BD FACS Analyzer | 11897/160923/1496/MISC/AMC | 23-11-2023 | |
Global Tender Enquiry (GTE) for Supply and installation of Portable Fluorescence Microscope | 12053/061023/1819/EQPT | 06-12-2023 up to 2:30PM | 20-11-2023 |
Global Tender Enquiry (GTE) for Supply and installation of Multimode Microplate Reader Corregendum, Dtd:05-12-2023 |
12148/181023/1819/EQPT | 06-12-2023 up to 2:30PM | 20-11-2023 |
Tender notice for Supply of spares for Carl Zeiss Confocal Microscope LSM 880: Argon-Multiline Laser with power supply. | 12334/071123/1778/SPARE | 20-11-2023 | |
Tender Notice of AMC for BD FACS Aria Fusion | 11968/260923/1496/MISC/AMC | 17-11-2023 | |
Open Tender Enquiry (OTE) for Supply/Installation/Testing/Commissioning and Operation of BSL-3
& ABSL-3 Laboratory facility and Associated Works at CSIR-CCMB on Turnkey Basis Corrigendum(Extension of time for inspection of site), Dtd:20-11-2023 Minutes of the Pre-Bid Conference held on 24-11-2023, Dtd:26-11-2023 |
12333/061123/1669/EQPT | 12-12-2023 up to 2:30PM | 09-11-2023 |
Global Tender Enquiry (GTE) for Supply and installation of Fast Protein Liquid Chromatography Systems along with suitable cold cabinets | 11332/180723/1817/EQPT | 22-11-2023 up to 2:30PM | 27-10-2023 |
Tender Notice of AMC for NovaSeq 6000 Sequencing System | 11867/150923/1827/MISC/AMC | 25-10-2023 | |
Tender Notice for Supply of Supply of R&D Consumables | 11868/150923/1598/CH | 11-10-2023 | |
Tender Notice for Supply of Novaseq Consumables | 11530/040823/1572/CH | 04-10-2023 | |
Tender Notice for Supply of Flow Cytometer Antibodies and Reagents. | 11488/010823/ 1722/CH | 04-10-2023 | |
Tender Notice for Supply of Nanopore Sequencing Kits. | 11624/160823/1572/CH | 04-10-2023 | |
Tender Notice for Supply of Stem Cell Culture Media. | 11857/140923/1741/CH | 29-09-2023 | |
Tender Notice for AMC for BD FACS Analyzer | 11897/160923/1496/MISC/ AMC | 29-09-2023 | |
Tender Notice for Supply of Microtubes | 11780/070923/1827/CH | 27-09-2023 | |
Tender Notice for Supply of Mouse Holders. | 11859/140923/1652/SPARE | 27-09-2023 | |
Open Tender Enquiry (OTE) for Supply and installation of Horizontal Rectangular High Pressure Steam Sterilizer [Autoclave] | 11723/300823/1594/EQPT | 10-10-2023 up to 2:30PM | 18-09-2023 |
Tender Notice for Supply of Stem Cell Culture Media. | 11803/070923/1789/CH | 13-09-2023 | |
Tender Notice for Supply of spares parts for J815 CD machine | 11610/140823/1601/SPARE | 28-08-2023 | |
Tender Notice for Supply of spares for existing Q-Exactive-HF mass spectrometer | 11493/020823/13SS/SPARE | 18-08-2023 | |
Annual Contract for Housekeeping at CCMB, Canteen & Guest House and its Annexes in Hyderabad | GEM/2023/B/3825460 | 28-08-2023 up to 20:00Hrs | 18-08-2023 |
Tender Notice for Supply of Chemicals, Bio-chemicals, Glassware, Plastic ware,Other Consumables etc. | 8195/090622/STORES/CH/2023-24 | 21-08-2023 up to 1:00PM | 07-08-2023 |
Tender Notice for Supply of spare for existing X-Ray Crystallography System. | 11179/230623/1775/SPARE | 04-07-2023 | |
Notice of Inviting Tender (NIT) for Replacement of existing damaged PVC fills with new PVC fills for 2 nos cooling towers at centralized A.C. Plant at CSIR-CCMB Campus, Uppal Road, Hyderabad | CCMB/WKS-02/23-24 | 17-07-2023 up to 2:30PM | 27-06-2023 |
Tender Notice for Supply of spares for individual ventilated cage unit machine. | 11009/070623/1630/SPARE | 23-06-2023 | |
Tender Notice for Supply of lOx genomics reagents and kits etc. | 9106/061022/1772/CH | 16-06-2023 | |
Tender Notice for Supply of Flow cells etc. | 9105/061022/1772/CH | 15-06-2023 | |
Tender Notice for Supply and filling of Liquid Helium | 10968/010623/1636/MISC | 14-06-2023 | |
Tender Notice for Supply of Portable Fluorescence Microscope | 11008/060623/1819/EQPT | 14-06-2023 | |
Global Tender Enquiry (GTE) for Supply and installation of self-pressurizing Liquid Nitrogen Dewar/Containers | 11043/120623/1652/EQPT | 13-07-203 up to 2:30PM | 14-06-2023 |
Tender Notice for Annual maintenance contract for Illumina iScan system. | 6896/281221/1785/MISC/AMC | 06-06-2023 up to 1:00PM | 31-05-2023 |
Tender notice for Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of 1 No. 06 Persons capacity [408 Kgs] Machine Room Less Passenger Lift in Administration Building at CSIR-CCMB. | CCMB/WKS-20/21-22 | 12-06-2023 up to 2:30PM | 23-05-2023 |
Open Tender Enquiry for appointment of Service provider for Toxicity studies in GMP lab. | BDG/TS/1737/2023-24/19 | 17-05-2023 | |
Tender notice for Supply of CO2 incubator shaker | 9621/021222/1817/EQPT | 12-05-2023 | |
Tender notice for inviting online e-bids for entering into an Annual Rate Contract (RC) on NDP basis with best applicable discounted price | 8195/090622/STORES/CH/2023-24 | 30-05-2023 up to 1:00PM | 10-05-2023 |
Tender notice for Supply of spares for Q-Exactive-HF mass spectrometer | 10734/030523/2632/SPARE | 09-05-2023 | |
Tender Notice for Supply of Spares parts for Liquid Nitrogen Plant Make Stirling Cryogenics Model Stir Lin-2 and upgraded version of PLN106S to Stirlin II. | 10600/120423/1531/ENGG | 19-04-2023 | |
Tender Notice for hiring of agency for drawing of specifications & co-ordination with vendor for setting up ABSL 3 facility & renovation of existing BSL 3 facility
Corrigendum, Dated:01-05-2023 Corrigendum-I, Dated:01-05-2023 |
10598/120423/1672/MISC | 03-05-2023 up to 2:30PM | 13-04-2023 |
Tender notice for Supply of Spares for Biosafety Cabinet | 10556/270323/1604/SPARE | 05-04-2023 | |
Global Tender Enquiry (GTE) for Supply and installation of Automated Capillary DNA sequencer 96 capillary with lasers | 10327/010223/1785/EQPT | 02-05-2023 up to 2:30PM | 03-04-2023 |
Tender notice for Renewal of Annual Maintenance Contract for the QIAxtractor/QIAcube HT system | 10557/270323/1SS4/MISC/AMC | 06-04-2023 up to 1:00PM | 31-03-2023 |
Global Tender Enquiry (GTE) for Cell Counter with bright field and fluorescence | 9510/231122/5949/EQPT | 27-04-2023 up to 2:30PM | 27-03-2023 |
Open Tender Enquiry(OTE) for conclusion of rate contract for supply of hogh purity Gases viz.. NITROGEN, ARGON, CO2, OXYGEN,HELIUM, LIQUID NITROGEN, etc., | 10516/110323/1826/MISC | 04-04-2023 up to 2:30PM | 13-03-2023 |
Open Tender Enquiry for Appointment of Amazon Web Services provider for solutions to store and analyze genomics/NGS data | BDG/TS/1772/22-23/17 | 28-03-2023 up to 2:30PM | 07-03-2023 |
Tender notice for Supply of Variant II BTS etc. | 10110/070123/1554/CH | 02-03-2023 | |
Open Tender Enquiry for Software Upgradation of old High Performance Computing Cluster | 10303/250123/1670/ITES | 30-03-2023 up to 2:30PM | 02-03-2023 |
Tender notice for Supply of Small animal behavioral monitoring, tracking and analysis system with accessories. | 1032S/300123/16S2/EQPT | 16-02-2023 | |
Tender notice for Supply of Variant II BTS etc. | 101l0/070123/1554/CH | 09-02-2023 | |
Tender notice for Supply of Rodent feed; safe diet. | 10341/030223/1630/CH | 09-02-2023 | |
Global Tender Enquiry (GTE) for Supply and installation of Automated Capillary DNA sequencer
96 capillary with lasers Corrigendum, Dated:17-02-2023 Minutes of Pre-Bid Conference held on 23-02-2023 |
10327/010223/1785/EQPT | 08-03-2023 up to 3:00PM | 08-02-2023 |
Tender notice for Supply of C clip ring for Talos Arctica (S/N 9953575) | 10366/060223/1617/SPARE | 08-02-2023 | |
Tender notice for Supply of Small animal behavioral monitoring, tracking and analysis system with accessories. | 1032S/300123/1652/EQPT | 07-02-2023 | |
Tender notice for Supply of spares for replacement of old dysfunctional refrigerated incubators | 10299/250123/1726/ENGG | 06-02-2023 | |
Tender notice for Supply of illumina NovaSeq 6000 consumables | 9626/0211222/1620/CH | 30-01-2023 | |
Tender notice for supply and installation of refrigerated shaker with accessories | 7319/040222/1412/EQPT | 24-01-2023 | |
Global Tender Enquiry (GTE) for Cell Counter with bright field and fluorescence | 9510/231122/5949/EQPT | 15-02-2023 up to 2:30PM | 19-01-2023 |
Tender notice Annual Contract for Supply of Manpower for Laboratory and Technical Services at CSIR-CCMB | GEM/2023/B/2998522 | 31-01-2023 up to 4:00 PM | 19-01-2023 |
Invitation to tender for Supply of Beckman Coulter make reagents | 7758/180422/1772/CH | 16-01-2023 | |
Tender notice for Supply of spares for individual ventilated cage machines | 10142/090123/1790/SPARE | 11-01-2023 | |
Global Tender Enquiry (GTE) for High End Operating Microscope | 9509/231122/1819/EQPT | 06-02-2023 up to 2:30PM | 09-01-2023 |
Open Tender Enquiry (OTE) for Supply and Installation of Drosophila growth chamber | 9095/061022/1816/EQPT | 28-01-2023 up to 2:30PM | 02-01-2023 |
Tender notice for Supply of High throughput sequencing set etc. | 9104/061022/1785/CH | 20-12-2022 | |
Global Tender Enquiry (GTE) for Supply and installation of Veterinary Biochemistry Analyser | 8783/290822/1738/EQPT | 17-01-2023 up to 2:30PM | 19-12-2022 |
Tender notice of inviting bids online for the work of renovation/modification of civil works in administration building at CSIR-CCMB Campus. | CCMB/WKS-14/22-23 | 26-12-2022 up to 2:30PM | 12-12-2022 |
Open Tender Enquiry (OTE) for Supply and installation of Water Purification Systems | 9665/061222/1463/EQPT | 03-01-2023 up to 2:30PM | 07-12-2022 |
Global Tender Enquiry (GTE) for Supply and installation of High throughput 384 well Real Time PCR System Corrigendum - I |
9602/291122/1572/EQPT | 03-01-2023 up to 2:30PM | 06-12-2022 |
Tender notice for Engaging Tax Consultant for Indian Taxation Matters (Direct and Indirect Taxes) in CCMB, Hyderabad | CCMB/GEN/TAX.CONSULT/2022 | 19-12-2022 up to 2:00PM | 05-12-2022 |
Tender notice for Supply of Bionano Prep SP Blood and cell v2 | 8201/010622/178S/CH | 02-12-2022 | |
Open Tender Enquiry (OTE) for Procurement of Cell Counter with bright field and fluorescence | 9510/231122/ 5949/EQPT | 29-12-2022 up to 2:30PM | 30-11-2022 |
Global Tender Enquiry (GTE) for Supply and installation of High End Operating Microscope | 9509/231122/ 1819/EQPT | 26-12-2022 up to 2:30PM | 26-11-2022 |
Global Tender Enquiry (GTE) for Supply and installation of Large Volume Tabletop Refrigerated Centrifuges Minutes of Prebid Conference, Dated:29-11-2022 |
9401/141122/1722/EQPT | 13-12-2022 up to 2:30PM | 16-11-2022 |
Tender notice for Supply of Controller for Bioflo fermontor etc. | 8171/080622/1177/SPARE | 02-11-2022 | |
Global Tender Enquiry (GTE) for Supply and Installation of Inverted Trinocular Epifluorescence Microscope with Imaging System | 9159/131022/5949/EQPT | 29-11-2022 up to 2:30PM | 01-11-2022 |
Global Tender Enquiry (GTE) for Supply and installation of Portable Fluorescence Microscope | 9158/131022/1814/EQPT | 28-11-2022 up to 2:30PM | 28-10-2022 |
Global Tender Enquiry (GTE) for Supply and installation of Portable Fluorescence Microscopes | 9160/131022/1816/EQPT | 28-11-2022 up to 2:30PM | 28-10-2022 |
Global Tender Enquiry (GTE) for Supply and installation of -860 C Single Door Upright Ultra Low Temperature Deep Freezers | 9157/131022/1814/EQPT | 24-11-2022 up to 1:00PM | 27-10-2022 |
Tender notice for Annual Contract for providing Round the Clock Services in CSIR - CCMB,HYDERABAD GeM Bid Document |
NIT/Security/2022 | 31-10-2022 up to 1:00PM | 27-10-2022 |
Tender notice for Supply of Variant II BTS etc. | 9009/230922/1554/CH | 18-10-2022 | |
Tender notice for renewal of CAMC for maintenance of Illumina NovaSeq 6000 Sequencing System.
Corrigendum Dated:20-10-2022 |
6429-8943/130922/1572/MISC/AMC | 22-10-2022 up to 1:00PM | 18-10-2022 |
Tender notice for Supply of Chemicals, Bio-Chemicals, Glassware & Plasticware for use in CCMB Laboratory | 8195/090622/STOR/RC/CH | 03-11-2022 up to 1:00PM | 14-10-2022 |
Tender notice for Annual Maintenance for Evoqua Water Purification System | 7491/01022/1180/Misc/AMC | 20-10-2022 up to 1:00PM | 11-10-2022 |
Tender notice for supply of Bionano Prep SP Blood and cell v2 | 201/010622/1785/CH | 10-10-2022 | |
Tender notice for Supply of IIIumina consumables - Novaseq XP 4 Lane Kit etc., | 8898/090922/1572/CH & 8471/230822/1554/CH | 10.10.2022 at 13.00 hrs | 04-10-2022 |
Tender notice for Supply of Variant II BTS etc. | 9009/230922/1554/CH | 04-10-2022 | |
Tender notice for Supply of spares for single door autoclave | 8801/300822/.1669/SPARE | 26-09-2022 | |
Tender notice for Supply of spares for existing centrifuge model 5418R | 8948/150922/1653/SPARE | 21-09-2022 | |
Tender notice for Supply of spares for vanquish HPLC system | 8911/100922/1176/SPARE | 14-09-2022 | |
Tender notice for Supply of Drive Unit (E) assy for CT lSE | 8912/100922/1683/SPARE | 14-09-2022 | |
Tender notice for procuring Sonic wall NSA 6600 AGSS license for 2 years (For both hardware and software) | 8717/22q822/1S74/EQPT | 28-09-2022 up to 1:00PM | 07-09-2022 |
Tender notice for Supply Supply of NEBNext End repair module etc. | 8754,8755/240822/5936/CH | 05-09-2022 | |
Tender notice for Supply and installation of Network Attached Storage (NAS) – 2 PB Minutes of Pre-Bid Conference Dtd:05-09-2022 Corrigendum Dated:21-09-2022 |
5495/180221/1772/EQPT | 03-10-2022 up to 3:00PM | 25-08-2022 |
Tender notice Supply of spares for 384 block assembly for Model ViiA 7 Ox real time PCR system. | 8571/010822/1463/SPARE | 22-08-2022 | |
Tender notice Supply of Pipetteman P Spares etc. | 8632/100822/1778/SPARE | 19-08-2022 | |
Tender notice Supply of GPU Optimized performance computing Workstation | 8596/030822/1552/EQPT | 19-09-2022 up to 2:30PM | 17-08-2022 |
Tender notice Supply of Element aircleaner etc. | 8530/250722/120S/ENGG | 16-08-2022 | |
Tender notice Supply of Supply of Hotstar Taq DNA polymerase | .8478/200722/1SS4/CH | 01-08-2022 | |
Tender notice Supply of Spares for existing Beckman Coulter XPN Ultra centrifuge | 8371/080722/1794/Spare | 29-07-2022 | |
Tender notice for Supply of Element aircleaner etc. | 530/250722/1208/ENGG | 27-07-2022 | |
Tender notice for procurement of Technical Services – SOIL SAMPLE ANALYSIS reg | BDG/TS/1738/2022-23/13 | 21-07-2022 | |
Tender notice for Supply of Spares for Hemo KlenTaq | 8428/140722/1554/CH | 20-07-2022 | |
Tender notice for providing contract for hiring of Photocopier on Rental basis | 1828/220219/1205/MISC | 09-08-2022 up to 1:00PM | 19-07-2022 |
Tender notice for Supply of Controller for Bioflo fermontor etc. | 8171/080622/1177/SPARE | 18-07-2022 | |
Tender notice for providing Technical Services for de novo Assembly of Aeluropus lagopoides Genome Sequencing | BDG/TS/1588/2021-22/09 | 08-07-2022 | |
Tender notice for Supply of CCN Translator card | 8163/070622/1669/MISC | 06-07-2022 | |
Tender notice for Supply of Spares for carrier make air cooled chiller | 8087/250522/1531/ENGG | 29-06-2022 | |
Open Tender Enquiry ( OTE ) for SITC of Walk-in-freezer (-20°C) with Ante room (+4 °C) | 8142/030622/1785/EQPT | 13th July,2022 – 1.00 PM | 17-06-2022 |
Tender notice for Annual Rate Contract (RC) on NDP basis for the supply of the specialised R&D chemicals and consumables | 8195/090622/STOR/RC/CH | 06/07/2022 Up to 13.00 hrs. (IST) | 16-06-2022 |
Tender notice for “Annual Contract for Supply of Medicines to CCMB Employees, Pensioners and their dependents on Credit basis" | CCMB/GEN/MEDICINES/2022 | 04/07/2022 (MONDAY) Up to 02. 00 PM | 13-06-2022 |
Tender notice for AMC for maintenance of LSR Fortessa bench top multi colour flow cytometer Model | 8183/080622/1791/MISC/AMC | 20.06.2022 - 1:00 pm | 13-06-2022 |
Tender notice for Supply of Spares for carrier make air cooled chiller | 8087/250522/1531/ENGG | 08-06-2022 | |
Tender notice for Supply of IPA advanced analytics NUL | 7132/250122/1675/MISC | 13-06-2022 up to 1:00PM | 07-06-2022 |
Tender notice for Supply of Spares for Q Exactive Mass spectrometers | 8055/190522/1788/CH | 27-05-2022 | |
Tender notice for Supply of Spares for F-200 Ice flake machines (Repair/Maintenance) | 7951/050522/1726/ENGG | 27-05-2022 | |
Tender notice for Supply of Plant Tissue Culture Chamber | 7104/220122/1626/EQPT | 16-06-2022 up to 1:00PM | 20-05-2022 |
Tender notice for Supply of 551-600L Ultra low temperature laboratory deep freezer | 7596/230222/1393/EQPT | 13-06-2022 up to 1:00PM | 19-05-2022 |
Tender notice for providing patch management and license renewal for 300 desktops and laptops for Microsoft and other third-party software. | 8019/120522/1670/MISC | 25-05-2022 up to 1:00PM | 18-05-2022 |
Tender notice for Supply of serological pipettes etc. | 7258/020222/1786/CH | 06-06-2022 up to 1:00PM | 13-05-2022 |
Tender notice for Conclusion of Contract for Hiring of Photocopier on Rental basis | 1148/090119/1697/MISC | 07-06-2022 up to 1:00PM | 11-05-2022 |
Tender notice for Supply of Magnetic valve with coil | 7863/210422/1597/Spare | 06-05-2022 | |
Tender notice for Supply of Plant Growth Chambers | 7803/200422/1626/MISC/AMC | 12-05-2022 up to 1:00PM | 06-05-2022 |
Tender notice for providing the service of Customs House Agent (CHA) cum Freight Forwarding Agent. | CCMB/PUR/CHA/21-22 | 12-05-2022 up to 3:00PM | 21-04-2022 |
Tender notice for Supply & Refilling of LIQUID HELIUM | 7489/010222/1652/MISC | 27-04-2022 up to 1:00PM | 20-04-2022 |
Tender notice for Supply of PCB Control/frequency converter | 7617/010322/1562/SPARE | 20-04-2022 up to 1:00PM | 13-04-2022 |
Tender notice for Supply of Progard | 7490/010222/1180/SPARE | 20-04-2022 up to 1:00PM | 13-04-2022 |
Tender notice for Supply of Drier etc. | 6810/161221/1726/SPARE | 20-04-2022 up to 1:00PM | 13-04-2022 |
Tender notice for Supply of complete (TM), EDTA Free protease inhib etc. | 7298/040222/1626/CH | 05-04-2022 | |
Tender notice for Supply of dragonfly discovery sterile syringes etc. | 7672/220322/1772/CH | 05-04-2022 | |
Tender notice for Supply of EZ 96 DNA Methylation kit etc. | 7289/040222/1554/CH | 01-04-2022 | |
Tender notice for Supply of Stem diff intestinal organoid kit | 7609/280222/1786/CH | 01-04-2022 | |
Tender notice for Supply of MteSR Plus | 7610/280222/1786/CH | 01-04-2022 | |
Tender notice for Supply of Cl000 touch TM thermal cycler chassis modular | 6998/060122/1626/EQPT | 04-04-2022 up to 1:00PM | 29-03-2022 |
Tender notice for Supply & installation of Table Top Multipurpose Centrifuge | 7445/080222/1554/EQPT | 25-04-2022 up to 3:00PM | 24-03-2022 |
Tender notice for Supply of Biolistic Particie delivery/transformation system | 7665/210322/1626/EQPT | 26-03-2022 up to 1:00PM | 22-03-2022 |
Tender notice for Supply of Cellulose onozuka R-10 | 7192/290122/1626/CH | 28-03-2022 up to 1:00PM | 21-03-2022 |
Tender notice for Supply of TM Kit 10 plex etc. | 7383/080222/1652/CH | 28-03-2022 up to 1:00PM | 21-03-2022 |
Tender notice for Supply of Column PD 10 etc. | 7408/080222/1412/CH | 28-03-2022 up to 1:00PM | 21-03-2022 |
Tender notice for Supply of megashortscript etc. | 7427/080222/1597/CH | 28-03-2022 up to 1:00PM | 21-03-2022 |
Tender notice for Supply of Ni NTA Beads etc. | 7272/020222/1412/CH | 28-03-2022 up to 1:00PM | 17-03-2022 |
Tender notice for Supply of T4 DNA Ligase etc. | 7273/020222/1412/CH | 28-03-2022 up to 1:00PM | 17-03-2022 |
Tender notice for Supply of DNase I etc | 7194/290122/1626/CH | 21-03-2022 up to 1:00PM | 15-03-2022 |
Tender notice for Supply of IPA Analysis Match explorer | 7431/080222/1652/MISC | 21-03-2022 up to 1:00PM | 15-03-2022 |
Tender notice for Supply of Mini Protean Tet Elec Assay etc. | 6870/241221/1669/Spare | 21-03-2022 up to 1:00PM | 14-03-2022 |
Tender notice for Supply of PEl cellulose plastic 25x20 TlC Sheets | 7316/040222/1597/CH | 21-03-2022 up to 1:00PM | 14-03-2022 |
Tender notice for Supply & installation of Mastercycler X50s, Silver block, 96 well plate or 0.1/0.2mL tubese | 7295/040222/1554/EQPT | 18-04-2022 up to 3:00PM | 14-03-2022 |
Tender notice for Supply of Electroporator with 15 sterile electroporation cuvettes | 6997/060122/ 1626/EQPT | 18-04-2022 up to 3:00PM | 14-03-2022 |
Tender notice for Supply of Saphyr system with Bionano Access Server | 7515/110222/1785/EQPT | 11-03-2022 | |
Tender notice for Supply & installation of High throughput thermal cycler with 384 well PCR plate or higher capacity | 7281/020222/1772/EQPT | 11-04-2022 up to 3:00PM | 08-03-2022 |
Tender notice for Supply of GrodlON MKl COVID Starter kit etc. | 7106/240122/1772/CH | 01-03-2022 | |
Tender notice for Supply of GenomicDNA Screen tape etc. | 7259/020222/1772/CH | 07-03-2022 up to 1:00PM | 01-03-2022 |
Tender notice for Supply of Nova Seq Consumables | 7433/080222/1785/CH | 04-03-2022 up to 1:00PM | 28-02-2022 |
Tender notice for Supply of Infinium Global Screen Array 24v3.0 kit, Cat.No 20030770 | 7438/080222/1554/CH | 04-03-2022 up to 1:00PM | 25-02-2022 |
Tender notice for Supply of Novaseq 6000 S4 Reagent kits | 7074/180122/1772/CH | 28-02-2022 up to 1:00PM | 22-02-2022 |
Tender notice for Supply of C clip ring etc. | 7434/080222/1798/MISC | 28-02-2022 up to 1:00PM | 21-02-2022 |
Tender notice for Supply of Qubit DSDNA HS Assay kit etc. | 7245/010222/1626/CH | 24-02-2022 up to 1:00PM | 18-02-2022 |
Tender notice for Supply of main PCB for existing sorvall legend XTR refrigerated | 6910/291221/1669/SPARE | 23-02-2022 up to 1:00PM | 15-02-2022 |
Tender notice for Supply of main HotStar Taq DNA Polymerase etc. | 7296/040222/1554/CH | 23-02-2022 up to 1:00PM | 15-02-2022 |
Tender notice for Supply of iTRAQ ® Reagents multiplex kit | 7236/010222/1652/CH | 21-02-2022 up to 1:00PM | 14-02-2022 |
Tender notice for Supply of Rabbit Monoclonal to BDNF etc. | 7234/010222/1652/CH | 21-02-2022 up to 1:00PM | 14-02-2022 |
Tender notice of AMC for PyroMark Q24 Cat No.9241822 | 7080/210122/1554/MISC | 21-02-2022 up to 1:00PM | 11-02-2022 |
Tender notice of AMC for QIAxtractor/QIAcube HT Cat No.9241769 | 7081/210122/1554/MISC | 21-02-2022 up to 1:00PM | 11-02-2022 |
Tender notice for Supply of Qubit Flex quantitation kit | 6865/241221/1772/EQPT | 21-02-2022 up to 1:00PM | 11-02-2022 |
Tender notice for Supply Mini Trans Blot etc. | 6773/091221/1672/SPARE | 14-02-2022 up to 1:00PM | 04-02-2022 |
Tender notice for Supply of Main Hepa Filters etc. | 6956/010122/1669/SPARE | 10-02-2022 up to 1:00PM | 03-02-2022 |
Tender notice for Supply of HEPA Filter etc. | 6911/291221/1669/SPARE | 01-02-2022 | |
Tender notice for Supply of replacing of main and exhaust filter etc. | 6957/010122/1669/SPARE | 07-02-2022 up to 1:00PM | 31-01-2022 |
Tender notice for Supply of service charges | 6912/291221/1669/SPARE | 07-02-2022 up to 1:00PM | 31-01-2022 |
Tender notice for Supply of Thinwall Polypropylene | 6880/241221/1669/CH | 31-01-2022 | |
Tender notice for Appointment of Custom House Agent (CHA) cum Freight Forwarding Agent | 7134/270122/CCMB/PUR/CHA | 23-02-2022 up to 3:00PM | 28-01-2022 |
Tender notice for Supply and Installation of Floor Model Stackable Refrigerated Incubator Shaker | 6891/281221/1626/EQPT | 24-02-2022 up to 3:00PM | 27-01-2022 |
Tender notice for Supply and Installation of Trinocular Stereo Microscope with Fluorescence, bright filed imaging, montage facility and camera attachment. | 4694/110820/1499/EQPT | 24-02-2022 up to 3:00PM | 27-01-2022 |
Tender Notice for Procurement of Mini Protean Tet Elec Assay etc. | 6870/241221/1669/Spare | 01-02-2022 up to 1:00PM | 25-01-2022 |
Tender Notice for Procurement of Thermo Fisher Scientific / Invitrogen Lab Consumables. | 6380/011021/1772/CH | 01-02-2022 up to 1:00PM | 25-01-2022 |
Tender Notice for Annual Maintenance Contract for Illumina iScan system | 6896/281221/1785/MISC | 31-01-2022 up to 1:00PM | 24-01-2022 |
Tender Notice for Procurement of Work Station | 6748/071221/1554/ EQPT | 24-02-2022 up to 3:00PM | 24-01-2022 |
Tender Notice for Supply Fluorescence Stereo Microscope with cooled camera and software | 6869/241221/1799/Eqpt | 21-01-2022 up to 3:00PM | 21-01-2022 |
Tender Notice for Supply of DRAGEN CS Lvi 1 License | 6728/031221/1772/MISC | 11-01-2022 | |
Tender Notice for Supply and Installation Supply of Goat Anti Mouse IgG H&L Alexa Fluor or equivalent specifications | 6833/181221/1737/CH | 31-01-2022 up to 1:00PM | 10-01-2022 |
Tender Notice for Supply and Installation of Table Top Refrigerated Centrifuge | 6621/131121/1793/EQPT | 10-02-2022 up to 3:00PM | 07-01-2022 |
Tender Notice for Supply, Installation of High End Rack Mountable Servers | 5570/030321/ 1592/EQPT | 29-01-2022 up to 3:00PM | 04-01-2022 |
Tender Notice for Supply of Electron Microscope Chemicals and Consumables | 6761/091221/1798/CH | 27-01-2022 up to 3:00PM | 31-12-2021 |
Tender Notice for Technical Services - de novo Assembly of Aeluropus lagopoides Genome Sequencing. | BDG/TS/1588/2021-22/09 | 27-01-2022 up to 1:00PM | 31-12-2021 |
Tender Notice for Supply of NEBNext ® ARllC SARS CoV-2 kit etc. | 6628/161121/1772/CH | 22-12-2021 | |
Tender Notice for Supply of lIIumina reagents/kits | 6809/161221/1772/CH | 21-12-2021 | |
Tender Notice for Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of High Performance Computing (HPC) Facility. Corrigendum |
5511/220221/1772/EQPT | 18-01-2022 up to 3:00PM | 20-12-2021 |
Tender Notice for Supply and Installation of Chemidoc and Gel Imaging System | 6644/171121/1799/EQPT | 17-01-2022 up to 3:00PM | 16-12-2021 |
Tender Notice for Supply and Installation of Floor Model Stackable Refrigerated Incubator Shakers | 6645/171121/ 1799/EQPT | 17-01-2022 up to 3:00PM | 16-12-2021 |
Tender Notice for Supply of NEBNext® ARTIC SARS CoV-2 kit etc. | 6628/161121/1772/CH | 20-12-2021 up to 1:00PM | 14-12-2021 |
Tender Notice for Supply Supply of Thermo Fisher Scientific and Invitrogen Lab Research Consumables. | 6380/011021/1772/CH | 16-12-2021 up to 3:00PM | 10-12-2021 |
Tender Notice for Supply and Installation of Network Attached Storage (NAS) – 500 TB | 5566/6360/6365/2021/EQPT | 05-01-2022 up to 3:00PM | 06-12-2021 |
Tender Notice for Supply and Installation of GPU Tower Workstation
Corrigendum |
6671/241121/ 1798/EQPT | 27-12-2021 up to 3:00PM | 29-11-2021 |
Tender Notice for Supply of Amplidex FMRl PCR Reagents RUO 100 tests | 6S16/291021/178S/CH | 29-11-2021 up to 1:00PM | 22-11-2021 |
Tender Notice for Supply of Consumables for Pall Water Purification System. | 6625/131121/ BRIT/SPARE | 29-11-2021 up to 1:00PM | 18-11-2021 |
Tender Notice for Upgradation of existing BSL - III Facility at CCMB, Hyderabad Corrigendum |
6541/031121/ 1669/EQPT | 15-12-2021 up to 3:00PM | 17-11-2021 |
Tender Notice for Supply of Drive motor, Including earthing Strap, 100-230V etc | 6299/170921/1669/SPARE | 23-11-2021 up to 1:00PM | 16-11-2021 |
Tender Notice for Supply of Optical Emission Filter Sets for ViiA 7 Dx Real Time PCR Machine. | 6108/050821/ 1601/SPARE | 09-11-2021 up to 1:00PM | 03-11-2021 |
Tender Notice for Conclusion of Rate Contact for Procurement of Medicines, Hospital/Clinical
Consumables, Diagnostic Kits etc. Corrigendum Corrigendum-II |
CCMB/PUR/MED/RC/2021-22 | 12-11-2021 up to 2:30PM | 02-11-2021 |
Tender Notice for Supply of Fish TAG RNA multicolor Kit, etc | 6147/160821/1583/CH | 08-11-2021 up to 1:00PM | 28-10-2021 |
Tender Notice for Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 100% Oil free Scroll Air Compressors under buy-back. | 5992/070721/1531/EQPT | 29-11-2021 up to 2:00PM | 28-10-2021 |
Tender Notice for Supply of 5-position Mosquito HV Genomics System | 6479/211021/1772/EQPT | 25-10-2021 | |
Tender Notice for Supply of Nucleo Spin DNA Stool (250) | 6355/290921/1737/CH | 27-10-2021 up to 1:00PM | 21-10-2021 |
Tender Notice for Supply and Installation of GPU Tower Workstation - 2 Nos. | 6340/230921/1798/EQPT | 10-11-2021 up to 2:00PM | 11-10-2021 |
Tender Notice for Conclusion of AMC for the Pipettes | 5771/290421/1778/MISC | 01-11-2021 up to 1:00PM | 11-10-2021 |
Tender Notice for Conclusion of AMC for the Pipettes | 5772/290421/1778/MISC | 01-11-2021 up to 1:00PM | 11-10-2021 |
Tender Notice for Conclusion of AMC for the Pipettes | 5773/290421/1778/MISC | 01-11-2021 up to 1:00PM | 11-10-2021 |
Tender Notice for CORN COBB AUTO CLAVABLE, Size 3-4 mm | 6210/030921/ANMH/MISC | 25-10-2021 up to 1:00PM | 05-10-2021 |
Tender Notice for Supply and Installation of Trinocular stereo microscope with Fluorescence, Bright field imaging, montage facility and camera attachment | 4694/110820/1499/EQPT | 01-11-2021 up to 2:00PM | 01-10-2021 |
Tender Notice for Supply of Protein Purification System (Fast Protein Liquid Chromatography [FPLC] System) | 6289/160921/1798/EQPT | 02-11-2021 up to 2:00PM | 01-10-2021 |
Tender notice for providing AMC for Dell PowerEdge Servers(10 Nos) | 6012/120721/1592/EQPT | 28-09-2021 up to 1:00PM | 15-09-2021 |
Tender notice for Supply of Consumables and Spares for existing Millipore Water Purification Systems. | 5806/240521/1496/SPARE | 08-09-2021 up to 1:00PM | 04-09-2021 |
Tender notice for Supply of Enzymes (Consumables) | 6075/300721/ 1799/CH | 26-08-2021 up to 1:00PM | 20-08-2021 |
Tender notice for Supply of RT and LIC Chemical Consumables. | 6076/300721/ 1799/CH | 26-08-2021 up to 1:00PM | 20-08-2021 |
Tender notice for Supply of Consumables for T4 DNA Ligase 1000 Units. | 6077/300721/ 1799/CH | 26-08-2021 up to 1:00PM | 20-08-2021 |
Tender notice for supply Supply of stock No.004435 B.Cg.Tg (SOD*G93A) etc. | 4951/081020/ANMH/CH | 30-08-2021 up to 1:00PM | 19-08-2021 |
Tender notice for Supply of Mouse Mycoplasma Pulmonis Elisa kit 96 test etc. | 5581/040321/ANMH/CH | 13-09-2021 up to 1:00PM | 19-08-2021 |
Tender notice for supply Supply of Rodent diet with 60 kcal% Fat or equivalent specifications | 5863/090621/1652/CH | 30-08-2021 up to 1:00PM | 16-08-2021 |
Tender notice for supply Supply of RNA cDNA EcoDry TM Premix etc. | 5680/260321/1626/CH | 23-08-2021 up to 1:00PM | 16-08-2021 |
Tender notice for supply, installation and commissioning of Spares for Gallios Cell Analyser in Flow Cytometry Facility. | 5617/100321/ 1413/SPARE | 19-08-2021 up to 1:00PM | 13-08-2021 |
Tender notice for providing AMC for Peak Nitrogen Generator Model Genius 1022, Serial No. 770001978. | 5302/030221/ INST/MISC | 18-08-2021 up to 1:00PM | 12-08-2021 |
Tender notice for the supply, installation and commissioning of Amplidex FMR1 PCR Reagents RUO 50 tests | 6005/100721/1785/CH | 18-08-2021 up to 1:00PM | 11-08-2021 |
Tender notice for providing the service of Blood Biochemistry Tests
Tender BOQ |
BDG/TS/1785/2021-22/008 | 25-08-2021 up to 1:00PM | 11-08-2021 |
Tender notice for supply of DynaMag TM 96 Side skirted Magnet | 5978/050721/1772/CH | 16-08-2021 up to 1:00PM | 10-08-2021 |
Tender notice for supply of 4200 Tape Station Consumables etc. | 5988/070721/1772/CH | 16-08-2021 up to 1:00PM | 10-08-2021 |
Tender notice for supply of Cat No.SH30084.03HR FBS-HI 01.uum sterile, 500 ml | 5848/040621/1669/CH | 16-08-2021 up to 1:00PM | 10-08-2021 |
Tender notice for the supply, installation and commissioning of spares /consumables for existing BECTON DICKINSON Flow Cytometer System | 5618/100321/1413/SPARE | 16-08-2021 up to 1:00PM | 10-08-2021 |
Tender notice for Procurement of Autoclave | 6102/040821/1799EQPT | 20-08-2021 up to 4:00PM | 09-08-2021 |
Tender notice for supply of EXP-AMII001 Adapter Mix II Expansion etc. | 6002/090721/1772/CH | 16-08-2021 up to 1:00PM | 09-08-2021 |
Tender notice for supply of NEBNext Ultra II RNA First Strand synthesis Module 96 rxns etc. | 6025/150721/1772/CH | 16-08-2021 up to 1:00PM | 09-08-2021 |
Tender notice for supply of QIASeq Direct SARS CoV-2 kit (set A-D) | 5956/280621/1772/CH | 16-08-2021 up to 1:00PM | 09-08-2021 |
Tender notice for supply of Supply of MAVS Antibody etc. | 5913/190621/1669/CH | 23-08-2021 up to 1:00PM | 06-08-2021 |
Tender notice for supply of 100% Oil Free Scroll Air Compressor | 5992/070721/1531/EQPT | 31-08-2021 up to 2:00PM | 06-08-2021 |
Tender notice for supply of RPMI1640 Medium etc. | 5739/220421/1791/CH | 11-08-2021 up to 1:00PM | 03-08-2021 |
Tender notice for supply of Novaseq 6000 S4 reagent kit etc. | 6024/150721/1772/CH | 11-08-2021 up to 1:00PM | 03-08-2021 |
Tender notice for supply of Consumables and Spares for existing Beckman High Speed Centrifuges. | 5778/040521/1412/SPARE | 09-08-2021 up to 1:00PM | 03-08-2021 |
Tender Title | Reference No. | Tender Close Date & Time | Published_Date |
Tender notice for inviting to enter into an Annual Rate Contract for supply Chemicals, Glassware etc. | 5780/050521/STOR/CH/RC | 28-08-2021 up to 1:00PM | 29-07-2021 |
Tender notice for Supply of MAVS Antibody etc. | 5913/190621/1669/CH | 02-08-2021 up to 1:00PM | 26-07-2021 |
Tender notice for Renewal of AMC for Dell PowerEdge Servers | 6012/120721/1592/EQPT | 06-08-2021 up to 1:00PM | 23-07-2021 |
Tender notice for the supply, installation and commissioning of Ligation Sequencing Kit etc | 5775/300421/1772/CH | 29-07-2021 up to 1:00PM | 22-07-2021 |
Tender notice for the supply, installation and commissioning of Nanobind Tissue Big DNA Kit etc. | 5803/240521/1772/CH | 29-07-2021 up to 1:00PM | 22-07-2021 |
Tender notice for Supply of B.Cg.Tg (SOD*G93A) etc. | 4951/081020/ANMH/CH | 28-07-2021 up to 1:00PM | 19-07-2021 |
Tender notice for AMC for Peak Nitrogen Generator Model Genius 1022, Serial No. 770001978. | 5302/030221/INST/MISC | 26-07-2021 up to 1:00PM | 19-07-2021 |
Tender notice for Supply of supply of RNA cDNA EcoDry TM Premix etc. | 5680/260321/1626/CH | 26-07-2021 up to 1:00PM | 16-07-2021 |
Tender notice for Supply of Lipofectamine RNAIMAX etc. | 5757/240421/1519/CH | 26-07-2021 up to 1:00PM | 16-07-2021 |
Tender notice for Supply of RPMI 1640 medium with L Glutamine etc. | 5846/040621/1669/CH | 26-07-2021 up to 1:00PM | 16-07-2021 |
Tender notice for Supply of Real Time PCR Machine
Corrigendum-I Corrigendum-II |
5792/170521/1578/EQPT | 21-07-2021 up to 12:00Noon | 16-07-2021 |
Tender notice for Supply of iTRAQ Reagent kit – Multi Plex etc | 5674/260321/1562/CH | 22-07-2021 up to 1:00PM | 15-07-2021 |
Tender notice for Supply of Rodent Diet etc. | 5677/260321/ANMH/CH | 26-07-2021 up to 1:00PM | 15-07-2021 |
Tender notice for Supply of Fetal Bovine Serum | 5845/040621/1786/CH | 22-07-2021 up to 1:00PM | 15-07-2021 |
Tender notice for Supply of Salsa MLPA P034-DMD1 probe mix etc | 5871/110621/1785/CH | 22-07-2021 up to 1:00PM | 14-07-2021 |
Tender notice for Supply of Spare for existing Leica Model Sp8 Confocal Microscope (Part No. 15000004000108 AOTF Driver CTI 8 Ch HiPo sp5/sp8) | 5405/170221/ INST/SPARE | 19-07-2021 up to 1:00PM | 13-07-2021 |
Tender notice for Supply of PM Kit High Throughput sampler, Cat No.337042. | 5825/010621/1413/SPARE | 19-07-2021 up to 1:00PM | 09-07-2021 |
Tender notice for Supply of Methyl SEQ DNA library kit etc | 5248/210121/1554/CH | 15-07-2021 up to 1:00PM | 08-07-2021 |
Tender notice for Supply of Spares for Existing Beckman Ultra and High speed centrifuges | 5778/040521/1412/SPARE | 14-07-2021 up to 1:00PM | 08-07-2021 |
Tender notice for Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) for existing Laminar Flow Hoods | 5663/240321/ INST/MISC | 13-07-2021 up to 1:00PM | 07-07-2021 |
Tender notice for Supply of UHV Turbo Pump with Fan (Spare for existing Q Exactive Mass Spectrometer System). | 5858/080621/1788/SPARE | 12-07-2021 up to 1:00PM | 06-07-2021 |
Tender notice for Supply of Rodent diet with 60 kcal% Fat or equivalent specifications | 5863/090621/1652/CH | 26-07-2021 up to 1:00PM | 05-07-2021 |
Tender notice for Supply of Spares for Gallios Cell Analyser in Flow Cytometry Facility. | 5307/040221/INST/SPARE | 12-07-2021 up to 1:00PM | 05-07-2021 |
Tender notice for Supply of NEB NEXT ® ULTRA TM II Q5 ® MASTER MIX ETC | 5737/210421/1772/CH | 08-07-2021 up to 1:00PM | 30-06-2021 |
Tender notice for Supply of Real Time PCR Machine | 5792/170521/1578/EQPT | 05-07-2021 up to 2:00PM | 30-06-2021 |
Tender notice for Supply of Mouse Mycoplasma Pulmonis Elisa kit 96 test etc. or equivalent specifications | 5581/040321/ANMH/CH | 19-07-2021 up to 1:00 PM | 29-06-2021 |
Tender notice for Supply of Pools of peptides corresponding to different regions of the spike protein of SARS COV 2 | 5835/030621/1791/CH | 01-07-2021 up to 1:00PM | 24-06-2021 |
Tender notice for Supply of Consumables for Existing Rephile Water Systems at Various Labs in CCMB | 5805/240521/ 1496/SPARE | 30-06-2021 up to 1:00PM | 24-06-2021 |
Tender notice for Supply of iTRAQ Reagent kit | 5674/260321/1562/CH | 01-07-2021 up to 1:00PM | 23-06-2021 |
Tender notice for Supply of AOTF Driver CTI 8 Ch HiPo sp5/sp8 (Spare for existing Leica Model Sp8 Confocal Microscope) | 5405/170221/ INST/SPARE | 29-06-2021 up to 1:00PM | 23-06-2021 |
Tender notice for Supply of Spares for existing BIORAD Protein Purification Systems | 5704/090421/ 1731/SPARE | 29-06-2021 up to 1:00PM | 23-06-2021 |
Tender notice for providing the Technical Services (Blood Chemistry Tests)
Tender Notice Tender Document Tender BOQ |
BDG/TS/1785/2020-21/008 | 19-07-2021 up to 1:00PM | 18-06-2021 |
Tender notice for Supply of consumables / spares for existing Becton Dickinson LSR Fortessatm cell analyser system | 5554/260221/1683/CH | 24-06-2021 up to 1:00PM | 18-06-2021 |
Tender notice for Supply of 30024 ACCEL NGS ® Methyl SEQ DNA Library kit | 5248/210121/1554/CH | 23-06-2021 up to 1:00PM | 16-06-2021 |
Tender notice for Supply of Supply of Portable Laser Leaf Area Meter CI 202. | 5564/020321/1795/EQPT | 23-06-2021 up to 1:00PM | 16-06-2021 |
Tender notice for Supply of Spares for Gallios Cell Analyser in Flow Cytometry Facility. | 5307/040221/INST/SPARE | 21-06-2021 up to 1:00PM | 15-06-2021 |
Tender Notice for Supply of COVAXIN 5 ML/10 DOSE VACCINE/VIAL | 5794/200521/1763/MISC | 14-06-2021 up to 1:00PM | 09-06-2021 |
Tender notice for Supply Fully Automatic Bio Chemistry Analyzer | 5699/070421/1719/EQPT | 17-06-2021 up to 1:00PM | 08-06-2021 |
Supply of KASP by Design Primer Mix etc. | 5665/240321/1626/CH | 31-05-2021 up to 1:00PM | 24-05-2021 |
Tender notice for procurement of Meril Extraction Free Dry Swab Kits (1000 Packs) | 5791/110521/1578/CH | 27-05-2021 up to 1:00PM | 20-05-2021 |
Tender notice for Supply of Anti Myc Tag Clone etc. or equivalent specifications. | 5523/230221/1617/CH | 29-04-2021 up to 1:00PM | 23-04-2021 |
Tender notice for Supply, Installation and Commissioning of High Speed Floor Model Refrigerated Centrifuge with Rotors.
5486/170221/1669/EQPT | 10-05-2021 up to 1:00PM | 08-04-2021 |
Tender notice for SUPPLY OF PROMETHION P24 SEQUENCING MACHINE MANUFACTURED REAGENTS/KITS | 5611/090321/1772/CH | 15-04-2021 up to 1:00PM | 05-04-2021 |
Tender notice for supply of Amplitaq Gold DNA Polymerase with Buffer etc. | 5615/100321/1578/CH | 15-04-2021 up to 1:00PM | 05-04-2021 |
Tender notice for supply of METHYL SEQ DNA LIBRARY KIT etc. | 5248/210121/1554/CH | 15-04-2021 up to 1:00PM | 05-04-2021 |
Tender notice for Supply of Infinium Methylation Epic bead chip kit etc. | 5575/040321/1554/CH | 05-04-2021 up to 1:00PM | 30-03-2021 |
Tender notice for SUPPLY OF PLATFORM CHANGE AV 4.X TO ZEN 3.3 PRO PLATFORM | 5384/170221/1669/CH | 05-04-2021 up to 1:00PM | 29-03-2021 |
Tender notice for Supply of D Glucose or equivalent specifications | 5429/170221/1652/CH | 19-04-2021 up to 1:00PM | 29-03-2021 |
Tender notice for Service Support License Renewal for Existing Ruckus ZD 3000 Controller. | 5492/180221/ITES/MISC | 05-04-2021 up to 1:00PM | 26-03-2021 |
Tender notice for Supply of Consumables for sample preparation for mass spectrometry using Q Exactive HF | 5445/170221/1788/CH & 5506/220221/1788/CH | 01-04-2021 up to 1:00PM | 25-03-2021 |
Tender notice for Supply of PCR AMPLIFICATION KIT | 5520/230221/1625/ch | 01-04-2021 up to 1:00PM | 24-03-2021 |
Tender notice for Supply of Spares for Gallios Cell Analyser in Flow Cytometry Facility. | 5307/040221/INST/SPARE | 30-03-2021 up to 1:00PM | 24-03-2021 |
Tender notice for Supply of KF96 TIP COMB FOR DW MAGNETS | 5114/081220/1268/CH | 29-03-2021 up to 1:00PM | 22-03-2021 |
Tender notice for Supply of CORALL TOTAL RNA SEQ LIBRARY PREP KIT ETC | 5612/090321/1772/CH | 29-03-2021 up to 1:00PM | 22-03-2021 |
Tender notice for SUPPLY, INSTALLATION, COMMISSIONING& SATISFACTORY DEMONSTRATION OF "EVOSTM M5000 CELL IMAGING SYSTEM, QUANTITY: 01 NO." | 5626/110321/1583/EQPT | 05-04-2021 up to 2:00PM | 22-03-2021 |
Tender notice for Supply of SPECTROPHOTOMETER | GEM/2021/B/1134460 | 30-03-2021 up to 5:00PM | 20-03-2021 |
Tender notice for Supply of Orbital Shaking Incubators | GEM/2021/B/1134265 | 30-03-2021 up to 5:00PM | 20-03-2021 |
Tender notice for Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Luminometer with multiplexing capability. |
5499/190221/1683/EQPT | 15-04-2021 up to 1:00PM | 19-03-2021 |
Tender notice for Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Beckman coulter biomek 4000 automated liquid handler reagents. | 5359/150221/1772/CH | 25-03-2021 up to 1:00PM | 19-03-2021 |
Tender notice for supply of QIAamp DNA microbiome kit (50) and Allprep powerviral DNA/RNA kit | 5464/170221/1578/CH | 25-03-2021 up to 1:00PM | 18-03-2021 |
Tender notice for supply of ORF True CLONE ETC. Or equivalent specifications | 4896/190920/8030/CH | 05-04-2021 up to 1:00PM | 17-03-2021 |
Tender notice for SUPPLY, INSTALLATION AND COMMISSIONING of Human Topoisomerase II Assay Kit or equivalent specifications | 4887/180920/1683/CH | 05-04-2021 up to 1:00PM | 17-03-2021 |
Tender notice for SUPPLY, INSTALLATION AND COMMISSIONING of Trinocular Stereo Microscope with Fluorescence, Bright Filed Imaging,Montage Facility and Camera. | 4694/110820/1499/EQPT | 30-03-2021 up to 1:00PM | 17-03-2021 |
Tender notice for SUPPLY OF NOVASEQ 6000 MACHINE CONSUMABLES | 5590/050321/1772/CH | 22-03-2021 up to 1:00PM | 16-03-2021 |
5539/250221/1652/EQPT | 14-04-2021 up to 2:00PM | 16-03-2021 |
Tender notice for supply of 4200 Tape station sequencing consumables ETC | 5400/170221/1772/CH | 22-03-2021 up to 1:00PM | 15-03-2021 |
Tender notice for Supply of Rabbit Polyclonal to Fibrillarin Nucleolar marker etc. or equivalent specifications | 5117/081220/1580/CH | 05-04-2021 up to 1:00PM | 15-03-2021 |
Tender notice for Supply of OF RT-PCR Reagents etc.. | 5458/170221/1772/CH & 5547/260221/1772/CH | 22-03-2021 up to 1:00PM | 15-03-2021 |
Tender notice for supply/Installation of Spares Parts for Liquid Nitrogen Plant, Make: Stirling Cryogenic Model:Stir Lin-2 | 5273/250121/1531/ENGG | 18-03-2021 up to 1:00PM | 12-03-2021 |
Tender notice for supply of 10X Chromium machine consumables etc. | 5546/260221/1772/CH | 22-03-2021 up to 1:00PM | 11-03-2021 |
Tender notice for supply of iSCAN system consumables/kits Make Illumina | 5569/030321/1772/CH | 22-03-2021 up to 1:00PM | 11-03-2021 |
Tender notice for SUPPLY OF Ultra Low Retention Filter Tips | 5399/170221/1772/CH | 18-03-2021 up to 1:00PM | 10-03-2021 |
Tender notice for supply of CTCF Polyclonal antibody etc. | 5543/250221/1583/CH | 18-03-2021 up to 1:00PM | 10-03-2021 |
Tender notice for supply of QIASeq FXDNA Library kit DUI A Kit etc. | 5457/170221/1772/CH | 18-03-2021 up to 1:00PM | 10-03-2021 |
Tender notice for supply of Storage system | 5542/250221/1653/EQPT | 24-03-2021 up to 5:00PM | 10-03-2021 |
Tender notice for supply of Networking/Server Rack | 5542/250221/1653/EQPT | 20-03-2021 up to 6:00PM | 10-03-2021 |
Tender notice for SUPPLY OF NEB NEXT FFPE DNA REPAIR MIX ETC. | 5503/220221/1772/CH | 18-03-2021 up to 1:00PM | 09-03-2021 |
Tender notice for SUPPLY OF MICROTUBE AFA FIBER SNAP CAP | 5398/170221/1772/CH | 18-03-2021 up to 1:00PM | 09-03-2021 |
Tender notice for supply, installation, testing, commissioning & satisfactory demonstration of "NOVASEQ 6000 Sequensing System, Quantity:01 No." | 5582/040321/1772/EQPT | 13-03-2021 up to 2:00PM | 06-03-2021 |
Tender notice for supply of Server | 5542/250221/1653/EQPT | 17-03-2021 up to 12:00PM | 06-03-2021 |
Tender notice for supply of Server | 5570/030321/1592/EQPT | 17-03-2021 up to 12:00PM | 06-03-2021 |
Tender notice for Supply of 4200 Tape station consumables ETC | 5358/120221/1772/CH | 11-03-2021 up to 1:00PM | 05-03-2021 |
Tender notice for Supply, Installation and Commissioning of Integrated Data Centre Infrastructure / Intelligent Smart Aisle Racks | 5522/230221/1772/EQPT | 25-03-2021 upto 1:00PM | 05-03-2021 |
Tender notice for Supply of SUPPLY OF QUBIT FLUOROMETER REAGENTS | 5345/110221/1772/CH | 11-03-2021 up to 1:00PM | 04-03-2021 |
Tender notice for Supply, Installation and Commissioning of High Performance Computational Facility System | 5511/220221/1772/EQPT | 24-03-2021 up to 1:00PM | 04-03-2021 |
Tender notice for Supply of Illumina COVID SEQ ETC | 5431/170221/1772/CH | 11-03-2021 up to 1:00PM | 04-03-2021 |
Tender notice for SUPPLY OF CHEMILUMINESCENCE & FLUORESCENCE IMAGING SYSTEM | 5052/191120/1788/EQPT | 29-03-2021 up to 1:00PM | 03-03-2021 |
Tender notice for Supply of Gene synthesis or equivalent specifications | 4745/210820/1683/CH | 25-03-2021 up to 1:00PM | 02-03-2021 |
Tender notice for One Time Servicing, repair and maintenance of existing Natsteel Horizontal Rectangular High Pressure Steam Sterilizers-3 Nos. Including spare parts supply, replacement and testing etc. | 4572/080720/ INST/SPARE | 25-02-2021 up to 1:00PM | 18-02-2021 |
Tender notice for Supply/Installation/Commissioning of High resolution Quantitative Mass Spectrometry Set Up for Plasma Proteomics and Metabolomics
PBC Minutes dt. 02.03.2021 and Revised / Amended Technical Specifications |
5081/251120/1788/EQPT | 17-03-2021 up to 1:00PM | 18-02-2021 |
Tender notice for ArcGIS Desktop Advanced & Extension Software Spatial Analyst - Upgrade | 5198/060121/1738/MISC | 11-02-2021 up to 1:00PM | 05-02-2021 |
Tender notice for supply of Blank Labels | 5113/081220/1268/MISC | 11-02-2021 up to 1:00PM | 05-02-2021 |
Tender notice for renewal of IPA Software for 6 months subscription | 5197/060121/1675/MISC | 11-02-2021 up to 1:00PM | 05-02-2021 |
Tender notice supply of Novaseq 6000 machine consumables | 5282/280121/1772/CH | 11-02-2021 up to 1:00PM | 04-02-2021 |
Tender notice for Repair, Servicing, and Maintenance of the existing Steam Sterilizer, Model No.24SR/E/SD/NAT8 including spares parts replacement. | 5140/141220/INST/SPARE | 11-02-2021 up to 1:00PM | 03-02-2021 |
Tender notice for Supply of High Purity Gases like Nitrogen, Argon, CO2,Oxygen, Helium etc | 5205/070121/STOR/MISC | 15-02-2021 up to 1:00PM | 29-01-2021 |
Tender notice for Supply of Micro TUBE AFA Fiber Snap Cap or equivalent compatiable for M220 covaris machine | 5110/041220/1772/CH | 08-02-2021 up to 1:00PM | 15-01-2021 |
Tender notice for Supply of XF DMEM Medium pH consumables etc. or equivalent | 5028/121120/1463/CH | 08-02-2021 up to 1:00PM | 15-01-2021 |
Tender notice for Supply of Next FFPE DNA Repair mix 96 rxns etc. or equivalent | 5084/271120/1772/CH | 08-02-2021 up to 1:00PM | 15-01-2021 |
Tender Notification for Supply of Qubit 4 Fluorometer machine consumable or equivalent (Cat No.Q3323 Qubit TM 1X ds DNA HS Assay kit or equivalent) | 5088/271120/1772/CH | 03-02-2021 up to 1:00PM | 13-01-2021 |
Tender Notice for Supply of ES900 Easy-Spray PEPMAP C18 3um or equivalent | 5011/041120/1788/CH | 03-02-2021 up to 1:00PM | 13-01-2021 |
Tender notification for Supply of iTRAQ Reagent kit multi Plex or equivalent [ Cat No.4352135 iTRAQ Reagent kit –Multi Plex or equivalent] | 5089/271120/1068/CH | 03-02-2021 up to 1:00PM | 13-01-2021 |
Tender notice for Supply of Amplidex FMR1 PCR Reagents or equivalent [AmplideX FMR1 PCR Reagents, RUO 50 tests or equivalent] | 4877/170920/1578/CH | 03-02-2021 up to 1:00PM | 13-01-2021 |
Tender notice for Supply of Small RNA Sequencing Library Prep kit or equivalent | 4864/140920/1772/CH | 01-02-2021 up to 1:00PM | 12-01-2021 |
Tender notice for Supply of Dyna bead Myone streptavidin T1 or equivalent | 5087/271120/1772/CH | 01-02-2021 up to 1:00PM | 12-01-2021 |
Tender notice for Renewal of IPA Software for 6 months subscription | 5197/060121/1675/MISC | 20-01-2021 up to 1:00PM | 12-01-2021 |
Tender notice supply of Standard Calibration Plates for ViiA7 RTPCR, etc | 5152/161220/INST/SPARE & 5153/161220/INST/SPARE | 20-01-2021 up to 1:00PM | 12-01-2021 |
Tender notice for SUPPLY AND FILLING OF LIQUID HELIUM IN EXISTING BRUKER AV 600 MHz NMR MAGNETS FOR PERIOD OF 1 YEAR, QTY: 800 LTRS. (Quarterly basis) | 4796/020920/INST/MISC | 01-02-2021 up to 1:00PM | 11-01-2021 |
Tender notice for Supply of 4200 Tape Station Consumables or equivalent | 4889/180920/1772/CH | 01-02-2021 up to 1:00PM | 11-01-2021 |
Tender notice for technical services- Outsourcing of DNA Sequencing Facility at CCMB to provide Onsite Sequencing Services for a period of 03-years | BDG/TS/1785/2020-21/002 | 08-02-2021 up to 1:00PM | 09-01-2021 |
Tender Notice for Renewal of Endpoint Protection Subscription Licenses | 5064/201120/1681/ITES | 23-12-2020 up to 1:00PM | 17-12-2020 |
Re-tender Notice for Replacement of 33kV CTs, Filteration of Transformer Oil, Servicing of OLTC and its inter relates works at CCMB main campus and its annexes at LaCONES, CRF and Staff quarters | CCMB/WKS-32/19-20 | 14-12-2020 up to 2:30PM | 18-11-2020 |
Tender Notice for AMC on Job Contract basis for Servicing & Maintenance of Centralized A.C.Plant, Cold Rooms, AHUs, FCUs and its associated equipments /motors etc., at CSIR-CCMB Main Campus | CCMB/WKS-03/20-21 | 23-11-2020 up to 2:30PM | 06-11-2020 |
Tender Notice for supply, installation, testing, commissioning & satisfactory demonstration of - biological safety cabinets, quantity: 04 nos. | 4398/010620/1268/EQPT & 4488/260620/1287/EQPT | 07-12-2020 up to 1:00PM | 22-10-2020 |
Tender Notice for Providing Technical Services (Lab Facility / Firing of Assays on Agena Platform. | BDG/TS/1625_1467/20-21/03 | 21-10-2020 up to 1:00PM | 14-10-2020 |
Tender notice for Providing Technical Services of Complete Genotyping Service on MASSARRAY Technology (60 SNP’s and 1000 Samples – 2 wells) | BDG/TS/1554/2020-21/01 | 19-10-2020 up to 1:00PM | 13-10-2020 |
Tender notice for Renewal of Annual Maintenance Contract for the following IBM X M3 Servers (5 Nos.) for a period of 03 years | 4760/260820/ITES/MISC | 19-10-2020 up to 1:00 PM | 12-10-2020 |
Tender notice for Renewal of Annual Maintenance Contract for the following IBM X M3 Servers (5 Nos.) for a period of 03 years | 4760/260820/ITES/MISC | 12-10-2020 up to 1:00 PM | 05-10-2020 |
Tender notice Quotation for supply of Table Top Refrigerated Centrifuge | 4201/120320/1411/EQPT | 29-09-2020 up to 1:00 PM | 16-09-2020 |
Tender notice Quotation for supply of -86°C Single Door Upright Ultra Low Temperature Deep Freezer | 4200/120320/1411/EQPT | 29-09-2020 up to 1:00 PM | 16-09-2020 |
Tender notice Quotation for supply of Magnetic Bead Extraction Replicator | 4576/100720/1738/EQPT | 29-09-2020 up to 1:00 PM | 16-09-2020 |
Tender notice Quotation for supply of Bio-Safety Cabinet Class II A2 | 4647/280720/1177/EQPT | 26-09-2020 up to 1:00 PM | 15-09-2020 |
Tender notice for supply of Magnetic Bead Extraction Replicator. | 4576/100720/1738/EQPT | 09-09-2020 up to 1:00 PM | 25-08-2020 |
Tender notice for supply of Polystyrene Drosophila Culture Tubes, Qty: 3,00,000 Nos. | 4646/270720/1650/CH | 27-08-2020 up to 1:00 PM | 13-08-2020 |
Tender Notice for Annual contract to provide service for air booking of Radioactive and Non-Radioactive consignments by air through Air India | CCMB/GEN/RA-Consignment/2020 | 27-08-2020 upto 3:00PM | 07-08-2020 |
Tender notice for entering into AMC for Maintenance & Petty Repairs, Servicing etc., of Centralized A.C.Plant, AHUs, FCUs etc., in CCMB | CCMB/WKS-03/20-21 | 14-08-2020 up to 2:30PM | 22-07-2020 |
Tender notice for supply of Novel Coronavirus RT-PCR Detection Kits, 96 tests, Qty: 5000 Rxn. | 4595/150720/1669/CH | 23-07-2020 up to 1:00 PM | 17-07-2020 |
Tender notice for supply of Sure select XT HS Reagent kit | 4445/160620/1722/CH | 20-07-2020 up to 1:00 PM | 13-07-2020 |
Tender notice for supply of CORALL TOTAL RNA SEQ LIBRARY PREP KIT ETC | 4487/260620/1722/ch | 20-07-2020 up to 1:00 PM | 13-07-2020 |
Tender notice Annual Contract for Supply of Manpower for Laboratory and Technical Services at CCMB and its Annexe Buildings at Hyderabad | CCMB/Gen/L TS/2020 | 03-08-2020 up to 2:00 PM | 13-07-2020 |
Tender notitce for supply of COVID-19 PCR KIT (LAB GUN), QUANTITY: 1x1000 | 4557/070720/1669/CH | NOT APPLICABLE – IMMEDIATE BY E-MAIL | 10-07-2020 |
Tender notice quotation for supply of TWIST HUMAN REF SEQ PANEL | 4440/100620/1722/CH | 25-06-2020 up to 1:00 PM | 19-06-2020 |
Tender notice for Engaging Tax Consultant for Indian Taxation Matters (Direct and Indirect Taxes) in CCMB, Hyderabad | CCMB/Gen/TaxConsultant/2020 | 29-06-2020 up to 2:00PM | 11-06-2020 |
Tender notice for Annual Contract for Round-the-Clock Security Service in CCMB and its Annexe Buildings at Hyderabad.[New] | CCMB/Gen/Security/2020 | 22-06-2020 upto 2:00 PM | 01-06-2020 |
Tender notice Quotation for supply of Nextera DNA Flex Library Prep (96 Samples),etc. [New] | 4358/070520/1722/CH | IMMEDIATE BY RETURN MAIL (SPO@CCMB.RES.IN / SPODK@CCMB.RES.IN) | 09-05-2020 |
Tender notice Quotation for supply of BMS Software, etc. (17 Items). [New] | 4352/050520/1672/MISC | IMMEDIATE BY RETURN MAIL (SPO@CCMB.RES.IN / SPODK@CCMB.RES.IN) | 07-05-2020 |
Tender notice for supply/installation/commencing of MGI Consumables - 1000016950 DNBSEQ-G400RS High Throughput Sequencing Set (FCL PE100) | 4318/040420/1722/CH | IMMEDIATE | 06-04-2020 |
Tender notice for supply/installation/commencing of NovaSeq 6000 SP Reagent Kit (300 cycles) | 4316/030420/ 1722/CH | IMMEDIATE BY RETURN MAIL (SPO@CCMB.RES.IN / SPODK@CCMB.RES.IN) | 04-04-2020 |
Tender notice for the Upgrade of existing Bitplane imaging software | 4254/160320/1741/EQPT | 27-03-2020 up to 1:00PM | 21-03-2020 |
Tender notice Quotation for supply of Thermal Cycler with 3 Blocks. | 3883/030220/1741/EQPT | 30-03-2020 up to 1:00 PM | 20-03-2020 |
Tender notice for the supply/installation/commissioning of High Throughput Genotyping System – MassARRAY® Analyzer System with Chip prep module 348 Genotyping | 4280/190320/1467/EQPT | 25-03-2020 up to 2:00PM | 20-03-2020 |
Tender notice for the supply/installation/commissioning of Upgradation of existing ISILON Storage to 2 PB usable Capacity | 4263/160320/ 1772/EQPT | 24-03-2020 up to 2:00PM | 18-03-2020 |
Tender notice for the supply/installation/commissioning of Integrated Crystallization Plate Storage & Imaging System | 4262/160320/ 1631/EQPT | 23-03-2020 up to 1:30PM | 17-03-2020 |
Tender notice for the supply/installation/commissioning of CMOS Camera for existing JEM 2100 System (Cat. No. EM17400040) | 4247/130320/ 1653/EQPT | 21-03-2020 up to 6:00PM | 17-03-2020 |
Tender notice for the supply/installation/commissioning of Accessory for the existing 600 mhz Biomolecular NMR Facility | 4239/130320/1653/EQPT | 21-03-2020 up to 1:00PM | 16-03-2020 |
Tender notice for the supply/installation/commissioning of Research grade motorised inverted Microscope with Grid based optical Tomography module with Fluorescence and Camera attachment | 4240/130320/ 1741/EQPT | 21-03-2020 upto 1:00PM | 16-03-2020 |
Tender notice for the supply/installation/commissioning of Real time PCR System | 4241/130320/1741/EQPT | 21-03-2020 up to 1:00PM | 16-03-2020 |
Tender notice for the supply/installation/commissioning of 3D HOLO-Tomographic Live Cell Imaging Microscope | 4242/130320/1741/EQPT | 21-03-2020 up to 1:00PM | 16-03-2020 |
Tender notice for the supply/installation/commissioning of Bioruptor® Pico 2 Sonication Device | 4243/130320/1741/EQPT | 21-03-2020 up to 1:00PM | 16-03-2020 |
Tender notice for the supply/installation/commissioning of Nano UHPLC System for Mass Spectrometry Facility | 4237/130320/5703/EQPT | 20-03-2020 up to 1:00PM | 14-03-2020 |
Tender notice for the supply of 10x chromium consumables | 4197/090320/1467/CH | 18-03-2020 up to 1:00PM | 13-03-2020 |
Tender notice for the supply of MGI library prep consumables/kits | 4206/120320/1467/CH | 18-03-2020 up to 1:00PM | 13-03-2020 |
Tender notice Quotation for supply of MGI LIBRARY PREP CONSUMABLES/KITS. [New] | 4206/120320/1467/CH | 18-03-2020 up to 1:00 PM | 13-03-2020 |
Tender notice Quotation for supply of 10X CHROMIUM CONSUMABLES. [New] | 4197/090320/1467/ch | 18-03-2020 up to 1:00 PM | 13-03-2020 |
Tender notice Quotation for supply of Trinocular Upright Phase Microscope with CMOS Camera. [New] | 3980/080220/1738/EQPT | 23-03-2020 up to 1:00 PM | 07-03-2020 |
Tender notice Quotation for supply of Two Channel Peristaltic Pump. [New] | 4019/100220/1675/EQPT | 23-03-2020 up to 1:00 PM | 07-03-2020 |
Tender notice Quotation for supply of Safety Bunsen Burner. [New] | 4082/140220/1626/EQPT | 23-03-2020 up to 1:00 PM | 07-03-2020 |
Tender notice Quotation for supply of Ultrasonic Probe Sonifier. [New] | 4086/140220/1626/EQPT | 23-03-2020 up to 1:00 PM | 07-03-2020 |
Tender notice Quotation for supply of Custom Antibody Synthesis. [New] | 4093/140220/1626/CH | 23-03-2020 up to 1:00 PM | 07-03-2020 |
Tender notice for the supply/installation/commissioning of PyroMark Q48 Autoprep SystemNew] | 3938/050220/1554/EQPT | 11-03-2020 up to 1:00PM | 29-02-2020 |
Tender notice for the supply/installation/commissioning of PromethION 24 CapEX Carriage- Device New] | 4108/180220/1467/EQPT | 05-03-2020 up to 1:00PM | 29-02-2020 |
Tender notice Quotation for supply of Table Top Refrigerated Incubator Shaker. [New] | 4124/210220/1626/EQPT | 16-03-2020 up to 1:00 PM | 28-02-2020 |
Tender notice Quotation for supply of Stackable Floor Model Refrigerated Incubator Shaker. [New] | 4085/140220/1626/EQPT | 16-03-2020 up to 1:00 PM | 28-02-2020 |
Tender notice Quotation for supply of Electroporation System. [New] | 4081/140220/1626/EQPT | 16-03-2020 up to 1:00 PM | 28-02-2020 |
Tender notice Quotation for supply of OSMOMETER. [New] | 4020/100220/1675/EQPT | 16-03-2020 up to 1:00 PM | 28-02-2020 |
Tender notice Quotation for supply of Plant Tissue Culture (Growth) Chamber. [New] | 3957/060220/1626/EQPT | 10-03-2020 up to 1:00 PM | 26-02-2020 |
Tender notice for supply of NovaSeq 6000 S4 Reagent kits etc. [New] | 3884/030220/1467/ch | 04-03-2020 up to 1:00 PM | 25-02-2020 |
Tender notice Quotation for supply of Hypoxia Chamber. [New] | 3767/300120/1652/EQPT | 04-03-2020 up to 1:00 PM | 18-02-2020 |
Tender notice Quotation for supply of Automated Hematology Analyzer. [New] | 3699/230120/ANMH/EQPT | 04-03-2020 up to 1:00 PM | 18-02-2020 |
Tender notice Quotation for supply of Cage Changing Station (Animal Transfer Station). [New] | 3698/230120/ANMH/EQPT | 04-03-2020 up to 1:00 PM | 18-02-2020 |
Tender notice Quotation for supply of Table Top Anesthesia Equipment for Mice and Rat. [New] | 3697/230120/ANMH/EQPT | 04-03-2020 up to 1:00 PM | 18-02-2020 |
Tender notice Quotation for supply of Cage Changing Station (Animal Transfer Station). [New] | 3512/311219/1741/EQPT | 04-03-2020 up to 1:00 PM | 18-02-2020 |
Tender notice Quotation for supply of Trinocular Stereo Microscope with Montage Facility and Camera Attachment. [New] | 3344/220120/1554/EQPT | 04-03-2020 up to 1:00 PM | 18-02-2020 |
Tender notice Quotation for supply of Biological safety Cabinet Class II Type A2. [New] | 3312/281119/1578/EQPT | 04-03-2020 up to 1:00 PM | 18-02-2020 |
Tender notice Quotation for supply of -86°C Single Door Upright Ultra Low Temperature Deep Freezer. [New] | 3681/220120/1554/EQPT | 04-03-2020 up to 1:00 PM | 18-02-2020 |
Tender notice for supply of Spare Parts for Zeiss Stereo Fluorescence Microscope. [New] | 2900/011019/1503/ SPARE | 17-02-2020 up to 1:00 PM | 10-02-2020 |
Tender notice for supply of Supply of Soil Matric Potential Meter. [New] | 3293/261119/8081/ EQPT | 17-02-2020 up to 1:00 PM | 10-02-2020 |
Tender notice for Plant Growth Chamber Qty1. [New] | 2879/011019/1626/EQPT | 05-03-2020 up to 2:00 PM | 06-02-2020 |
Tender notice for supply of Cooled Incubators with Humidity and without Humidity. [New] | 3380/101219/ 1499/EQPT | 05-03-2020 up to 2:00 PM | 06-02-2020 |
Tender notice for supply of Server and Network Access Storage (NAS). [New] | 3403/131219/ 1626/EQPT | 05-03-2020 up to 1:00 PM | 06-02-2020 |
Tender notice for supply of Additional Client Nodes for expansion of existing HPC Cluster & Storage etc. [New] | 3629/130120/ 1554/EQPT | 06-03-2020 up to 2:00 PM | 06-02-2020 |
Tender notice Quotation for supply of Handheld Soil moisture sensor with compatible display and data logger. [New] | 3441/231219/8081/EQPT | 24-02-2020 up to 1:00 PM | 05-02-2020 |
Tender notice Quotation for supply of Electric Motor Powered Guillotine Cutter. [New] | 3125/041119/1735/EQPT | 24-02-2020 up to 1:00 PM | 05-02-2020 |
Tender notice for the supply/installation/commissioning of Leica low temperature sectioning attachment for the existing Leica Em uc7 ultra microtomeNew] | 3039/241019/1653/EQPT | 10-02-2020 up to 1:00PM | 04-02-2020 |
Tender notice for the supply/installation/commissioning of 100% Oil Free Scroll Air Compressor [New] | 3363/091219/1531/EQPT | 24-02-2020 up to 2:00PM | 03-02-2020 |
Tender notice Quotation for supply of Programmable Peltier Based Dry Bath Thermomixer. [New] | 3063/251019/1652/EQPT | 17-02-2020 up to 1:00 PM | 30-01-2020 |
Tender notice Quotation for supply of INVERTED PHASE CONTRAST MICROSCOPE WITH CAMERA. [New] | 2811/170919/1177/EQPT | 17-02-2020 up to 1:00 PM | 30-01-2020 |
Tender notice for the supply of Cassette Holder to be used with KrosFlo KR2i Tangential Flow Filtration System [New] | 2650/300719/1177/EQPT | 17-02-2020 up to 1:00PM | 29-01-2020 |
Tender notice Quotation for supply of High Purity Gases like Nitrogen, Argon, CO2, Oxygen, Helium etc. [New] | 3682/220120/STOR/MISC | 10-02-2020 up to 1:00 PM | 24-01-2020 |
Tender notice for the supply of Infinium methylation EPIC bead chip kit [New] | 3409/141219/1554/CH | 20-01-2020 at 1:00PM | 13-01-2020 |
Tender notice Quotation for supply of HORIZONTAL GEL ELECTROPHORESIS. [New] | 2980/171019/1626/EQPT | 27-01-2020 up to 1:00 PM | 06-01-2020 |
Tender notice for the supply/installation/commissioning of MGI LIBRARY PREP CONSUMABLES/KITS ETC [New] | 3168/081119/1467/CH | 30-12-2019 up to 1:00PM | 20-12-2019 |
Tender notice for the supply/installation/commissioning of NovaSeq 6000 SP Reagent kit (300 cycles) [New] | 3411/141219/1467/CH | 31-12-2019 up to 1:00PM | 19-12-2019 |
Tender notice Quotation for supply of BINOCULAR STEREO MICROSCOPE WITH LED ILLUMINATION. [New] | 3287/251119/1499/EQPT | 01-01-2020 up to 1:00 PM | 17-12-2019 |
Request for Proposal (RFP) for entering into collaboration with CCMB for Newborn Screening Program. [New] | CCMB_NBS | 06-01-2020 up to 2:00 PM | 13-12-2019 |
Tender notice Quotation for supply of Electric Motor Powered Guillotine Cutter. [New] | 3125/041119/1735/EQPT | 26-12-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 12-12-2019 |
Tender notice Quotation for supply of LIQUID NITROGEN CONTAINER. [New] | 2835/200919/1626/EQPT | 26-12-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 12-12-2019 |
Tender notice Quotation for supply of Cassette Holder to be used with KrosFlo KR2i Tangential Flow Filtration System. [New] | 2650/300719/1177/EQPT | 26-12-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 11-12-2019 |
Tender notice Quotation for supply of HAND HELD WATER QUALITY ANALYZER. [New] | 2563/150719/1177/EQPT | 26-12-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 11-12-2019 |
Tender notice for supply of GPU Servers, Network Attached Storage & Gigabit Switch etc. [New] | 3194/131119/ 1653/EQPT | 09-01-2020 up to 2:00 PM | 07-12-2019 |
Tender notice for the supply/installation/commissioning of Bench Top Fermentor with accessories [New] | 2808/160919/ 1177/EQPT | 09-01-2020 up to 2:00PM | 06-12-2019 |
Tender notice for the supply/installation/commissioning of Isothermal Titration Calorimetry System [New] | 3046/251019/1631/EQPT | 09-01-2020 up to 2:00PM | 06-12-2019 |
Tender notice for the supply/installation/commissioning of Automated Crystallization Plate Imaging System [New] | 3048/251019/1631/EQPT | 09-01-2020 up to 2:00PM | 06-12-2019 |
Tender notice for the supply/installation/commissioning of Research Grade Upright Microscope for DIC and Fluorescence Applications [New] | 3054/251019/1741/EQPT | 08-01-2020 up to 2:00PM | 06-12-2019 |
Tender notice for the supply/installation/commissioning of Protein Purification Systems [New] | 3047/251019/1631/EQPT | 08-01-2020 up to 2:00PM | 06-12-2019 |
Tender notice for supply of 200kV Cryo Transmission Electron Microscope with Direct Detection Camera. [New] | 2986/181019/ 1653/EQPT | 09-01-2020 up to 2:00 PM | 05-12-2019 |
Tender notice for supply of Stimulated Emission Depletion (STED) based Super Resolution Microscope System. [New] | 3169/081119/ 1741/EQPT | 09-01-2020 up to 2:00 PM | 05-12-2019 |
Tender notice for supply of Multi Channel and Single Channel UVVIS Spectrophotometers for Micro Volume measurements. [New] | 3082/281019/ 8030/EQPT | 08-01-2020 up to 2:00 PM | 05-12-2019 |
Tender notice for supply of Micro scale Thermophoresis System. [New] | 3033/241019/1653/EQPT | 08-01-2020 up to 2:00 PM | 05-12-2019 |
Tender notice for supply of Live Cell Imaging System with Research Grade Inverted Microscope. [New] | 3055/251019/ 1741/EQPT | 08-01-2020 up to 2:00 PM | 05-12-2019 |
Tender notice for supply of Chemiluminescence & Fluorescence Imaging System. [New] | 3081/281019/ 5713/EQPT | 08-01-2020 up to 2:00 PM | 05-12-2019 |
Tender notice for supply of Automatic Liquid Handling System for NGS Platform. [New] | 3053/251019/ 1467/EQPT | 08-01-2020 up to 2:00 PM | 05-12-2019 |
Tender notice for supply of Bio Safe Ultra Centrifuge Floor Model with Rotors and Accessories. [New] | 3049/251019/ 1669/EQPT | 08-01-2020 up to 2:00 PM | 04-12-2019 |
Tender notice for the supply/installation/commissioning of Binocular Stereo Microscope with Camera Attachment New] | 2966/141019/TSCL/EQPT | 23-12-2019 up to 1:00PM | 02-12-2019 |
Tender notice for Providing Water Proofing Treatment and its associated works on the terrace of Canteen Block at CSIR-CCMB Main Campus. [New] | CCMB/WKS-19/18 | 23-12-2019 up to 2:30 PM | 29-11-2019 |
Tender notice for the supply/installation/commissioning of -30o Upright FreezerNew] | 3198/131119/1626/EQPT | 11-12-2019 up to 1:00PM | 26-11-2019 |
Tender notice Quotation for supply of Bead Based Tissue Homogenizer. [New] | 3198/131119/1626/EQPT | 11-12-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 26-11-2019 |
Tender notice Quotation for supply of Liquid Nitrogen Container for Sample Storage with Accessories. [New] | 3144/051119/1622/EQPT | 11-12-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 21-11-2019 |
Tender notice Quotation for supply of Hybridization Oven. [New] | 3095/311019/1619/EQPT | 11-12-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 21-11-2019 |
Tender notice Quotation for supply of NEXTERA DNA FLEX LIBRARY PREP (96 SAMPLES) AND OTHER ITEMS ETC. [New] | 2845/230919/1554/CH | 27-11-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 20-11-2019 |
Tender notice for supply of In-Vitro and In-Vivo Electroporator. | 3071/251019/1741 /SPARE | 25-11-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 19-11-2019 |
Tender notice Quotation for supply of Table Top Refrigerated Centrifuge. [New] | 3070/251019/1741/EQPT | 02-12-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 18-11-2019 |
Tender notice for supply of Electric Motor Powered Guillotine Cutter. [New] | 3125/041119/1735/EQPT | 28-11-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 14-11-2019 |
Tender notice Quotation for supply of Vertical Electrophoresis Apparatus with Blotting Unit. [New] | 3137/051119/1737/EQPT | 28-11-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 14-11-2019 |
Tender notice Quotation for supply of Standard U-Frame Digital Stereotaxic Setup with Accessories. [New] | 3052/251019/5703/EQPT | 25-11-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 09-11-2019 |
Tender notice Quotation for supply of Programmable Peltier Based Dry Bath Thermomixer. [New] | 3063/251019/1652/EQPT | 25-11-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 09-11-2019 |
Tender notice Quotation for supply of REFRIGERATED INCUBATOR SHAKER. [New] | 3083/281019/1597/EQPT | 25-11-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 09-11-2019 |
Tender notice Quotation for supply of PERISTALTIC PUMP FOR FLY FOOD DISPENSING. [New] | 3084/291019/1583/EQPT | 25-11-2019 up to 1:00 Pm | 09-11-2019 |
Tender notice Quotation for supply of Large Volume Table Top Refrigerated Centrifuge. [New] | 3056/251019/1683/EQPT | 21-11-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 08-11-2019 |
Tender notice Quotation for supply of Floor Model Hot Air Oven. [New] | 3066/251019/1657/EQPT | 21-11-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 08-11-2019 |
Tender notice Quotation for supply of Tri Gas Incubator. [New] | 3068/251019/1741/EQPT | 21-11-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 08-11-2019 |
Tender notice Quotation for supply of Binocular Stereo Microscope. [New] | 3069/251019/1741/EQPT | 21-11-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 08-11-2019 |
Tender notice Quotation for supply of Ultrapure Table Top Water Purification System. [New] | 3072/251019/5713/EQPT | 21-11-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 08-11-2019 |
Tender notice Quotation for supply of -86oC Single Door Upright Ultra Low Temperature Deep Freezer. [New] | 3073/251019/1205/EQPT | 21-11-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 08-11-2019 |
Tender notice for Providing Water Proofing Treatment on the terrace and other Petty/Miscellanes Civil Works in Main Security Office at CSIR-CCMB Main Campus. [New] | CCMB/WKS-20/19-20 | 24-12-2019 up to 2:30 PM | 08-11-2019 |
Tender notice for Expression of Interest in providing services for Newborn Screening for metabolic disorders [New] | EoI_Dt_01_11_2019 | 01-11-2019 | |
Tender notice for supply of HIGH THROUGHPUT ONCHIP ELECTROPHORESIS INSTRUMENT (TAPE STATION SYSTEM). [New] | 2677/130819/1467/EQPT | 04-11-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 26-10-2019 |
Tender notice for supply of NOVASEQ 6000 REAGENTS KITS / CONSUMABLES. [New] | 2780/090919/1467/CH | 06-11-2019 | 25-10-2019 |
Tender notice Quotation for supply of BINOCULAR STEREO MICROSCOPE WITH CAMERA ATTACHMENT. [New] | 2966/141019/TSCL/EQPT | 04-11-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 22-10-2019 |
Tender notice Quotation for supply of Biosafety Cabinet Class II A2. [New] | 2898/011019/1177/EQPT | 04-11-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 22-10-2019 |
Tender notice for supply of INFINIUM GLOBAL SCREENING ARRAY 24 + v3.0 KIT (48 SAMPLES) ETC. | 2723/270819/1554/CH | 30-10-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 22-10-2019 |
Re-tender notice Quotation for supply of of Table Top Non-Refrigerated Centrifuges. [New] | 2022/180419/1467/EQPT | 24-10-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 14-10-2019 |
Re-tender notice Quotation for supply of Table Top Refrigerated Centrifuges. [New] | 2417/210619/1519/EQPT | 24-10-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 14-10-2019 |
Re-tender notice Quotation for supply of Biological Safety Cabinet. [New] | 2556/110719/1584/EQPT | 24-10-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 14-10-2019 |
Tender notice Quotation for supply of CCMB Annual Report Printing. [New] | 2859/270919/1768/MISC | 24-10-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 12-10-2019 |
Tender notice Quotation for supply of Genome Assembly, etc. [New] | 2695/190819/1626/CH | 29-10-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 11-10-2019 |
Tender notice Quotation for supply of -86 oC SINGLE DOOR UPRIGHT ULTRA LOW TEMPERATURE DEEP FREEZER. [New] | 2789/120919/8969/EQPT | 28-10-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 11-10-2019 |
Tender notice Quotation for supply of Large Volume Table Top Refrigerated Centrifuge. [New] | 2807/160919/1177/EQPT | 28-10-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 11-10-2019 |
Tender notice Quotation for supply of INVERTED PHASE CONTRAST MICROSCOPE WITH CAMERA. [New] | 2811/170919/1177/EQPT | 28-10-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 11-10-2019 |
Tender notice Quotation for supply of BINOCULAR INVERTED MICROSCOPE WITH PHASE AND FLUORESCENCE ATTACHEMNT WITH HIGH SENSITIVE CCD CAMERA FOR CELL IMAGING. [New] | 2812/170919/1177/EQPT | 28-10-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 11-10-2019 |
Tender notice for the supply/installation/commissioning of SMALL ANIMAL VENTILATOR SYSTEM New] | 1527/050219/8954/EQPT | 21-10-2019 up to 1:00PM | 07-10-2019 |
Tender notice for the supply/installation/commissioning of -30o Upright FreezerNew] | 2419/210619/1519/EQPT | 21-10-2019 up to 1:00PM | 07-10-2019 |
Tender notice for the supply/installation/commissioning of DUAL EXTRUSION 3-D PRINTER New] | 2649/300719/1177/EQPT | 21-10-2019 up to 1:00PM | 07-10-2019 |
Tender notice for the supply/installation/commissioning of HAND HELD WATER QUALITY ANALYZERNew] | 2563/150719/1177/EQPT | 21-10-2019 up to 1:00PM | 07-10-2019 |
Tender notice for the supply/installation/commissioning of Cassette Holder to be used with KrosFlo KR2i Tangential Flow Filtration SystemNew] | 2650/300719/1177/EQPT | 21-10-2019 up to 1:00PM | 07-10-2019 |
Tender notice for Comprehensive Annual Maintenance-CAMC for high Performance Computing ClusterNew] | 2380/140619/1670/ITES | 28-10-2019 up to 1:00PM | 07-10-2019 |
Tender notice Quotation for supply of `HAND HELD DIGITAL OSCILOSCOPE`. [New] | 2564/150719/1177/EQPT | 21-10-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 04-10-2019 |
Tender notice Quotation for supply of `Large Volume Table Top Refrigerated Centrifuge`. [New] | 2555/110719/1584/EQPT | 21-10-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 04-10-2019 |
Tender notice Quotation for supply of HAND HELD THERMAL IMAGER. [New] | 2648/300719/1177/EQPT | 21-10-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 04-10-2019 |
Tender notice Quotation for supply of LIQUID NITROGEN CONTAINER. [New] | 2835/200919/1626/EQPT | 21-10-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 01-10-2019 |
Tender notice Quotation for supply of Table Top Refrigerated Centrifuges. [New] | 2417/210619/1519/EQPT | 14-10-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 26-09-2019 |
Tender notice Quotation for supply of Biological Safety Cabinet. [New] | 2556/110719/1584/EQPT | 14-10-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 26-09-2019 |
Tender notice Quotation for supply of `Table top non-refrigerated centrifuges`. [New] | 2022/180419/1467/EQPT | 14-10-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 24-09-2019 |
Tender notice Quotation for supply of -30oC Upright Freezer. [New] | 2419/210619/1519/EQPT | 30-09-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 16-09-2019 |
Tender notice Quotation for supply of Large Volume Table Top Refrigerated Centrifuge. [New] | 2555/110719/1584/EQPT | 30-09-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 16-09-2019 |
Tender notice Quotation for supply of HAND HELD WATER QUALITY ANALYZER. [New] | 2563/150719/1177/EQPT | 30-09-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 16-09-2019 |
Tender notice Quotation for supply of HAND HELD DIGITAL OSCILOSCOPE [New] | 2564/150719/1177/EQPT | 30-09-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 16-09-2019 |
Tender notice Quotation for supply of HAND HELD THERMAL IMAGER. [New] | 2648/300719/1177/EQPT | 30-09-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 16-09-2019 |
Tender notice Quotation for supply of DUAL EXTRUSION 3-D PRINTER. [New] | 2649/300719/1177/EQPT | 30-09-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 16-09-2019 |
Tender notice Quotation for supply of Cassette Holder to be used with KrosFlo KR2i Tangential Flow Filtration System. [New] | 2650/300719/1177/EQPT | 30-09-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 16-09-2019 |
Re-tender notice Quotation for supply of SMALL ANIMAL VENTILATOR SYSTEM. [New] | 1527/050219/8954/EQPT | 30-09-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 16-09-2019 |
Tender notice Quotation for supply of Biological Safety Cabinet. | 2418/210619/1519/EQPT | 16-09-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 06-09-2019 |
Tender notice qutation for supply of Air Jacketed CO2 Incubator. [New] | 2420/210619/1519/EQPT | 16-09-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 03-09-2019 |
Tender notice for supply of Lexsy Expression System (KIT). [New] | 2573/160719/1 177/CH | 02-09-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 27-08-2019 |
Tender notice for Renewal of Sonicwall NSA 6600 AGSS Licenses for 3 years. [New] | 2699/200819/1670/ITES | 04-09-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 27-08-2019 |
Tender notice for Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) for existing Laminar Flow Hoods. [New] | 1494/010219/1 604/MISC | 04-09-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 27-08-2019 |
Tender notice for supply of spares for replacement of Existing Individual Ventilated Cage System. [New] | 2416/210619/ ANMH/SPARE | 28-08-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 21-08-2019 |
Tender notice for supply of Spare Part for Liquid Nitrogen Plant. [New] | 2425/210619/1531 /ELCT | 26-08-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 20-08-2019 |
Tender notice for supply of spares for ice flake machine. [New] | 2675/130819/1726 /ELCT | 26-08-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 19-08-2019 |
Tender notice for supply of UV Crosslinker 220v, 50Hz Operation. [New] | 1517/050219/1519/EQPT | 22-07-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 11-07-2019 |
Retender for supply of Small Animal Ventilator along with Anesthesia System. [New] | 1527/050219/8954/ EQPT | 22-07-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 04-07-2019 |
Tender notice for supply of Cytocentrifuge with rotor and accessories. [New] | 1533/050219/1519/EQPT | 22-07-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 04-07-2019 |
Tender notice for supply of Camera Trap, Security Enclosure and Master Cable Lock. [New] | 2148/090519/1738/EQPT | 15-07-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 03-07-2019 |
Tender notice for Sonicwall Firewall TZ600 License Renewal with AGSS Bundle for MBT. [New] | 2414/210619/1506 /ITES | 08-07-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 03-07-2019 |
Tender notice for supply of -86oC Single Door Upright Ultra Low Temperature Deep Freezer. [New] | 2282/300519/1177/EQPT & 2295/030619/1626/EQPT | 15-07-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 03-07-2019 |
Tender notice for supply of Comprehensive Annual Maintenance-CAMC for high Performance Computing Cluster. [New] | 2380/140619/1670/ITES | 15-07-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 01-07-2019 |
Tender notice for supply of Air Jacketed CO2 Incubator. [New] | 2283/280519/8979/EQPT | 15-07-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 01-07-2019 |
Tender notice for supply of Table Top Refrigerated Heating Circulator for Biological Research Application. [New] | 2285/300519/8979/EQPT | 15-07-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 01-07-2019 |
Tender notice for supply of Concentrator Plus, Complete System with Integrated Diaphragm Vacuum Pump, with Rotor. [New] | 2122/070519/1467/EQPT | 15-07-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 01-07-2019 |
Tender notice for the supply/installation/commissioning of Table Top Shaking Water Bath with Lift up Bath Cover and Universal Platform [New] | 2284/300519/1177/EQPT | 15-07-2019 up to 1:00PM | 28-06-2019 |
Tender notice for supply of Refrigerated Centrifuge. [New] | 2260/280519/8979/EQPT | 08-07-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 27-06-2019 |
Tender notice for supply of Table Top Refrigerated Centrifuge. [New] | 2378/140619/1626/EQPT | 08-07-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 27-06-2019 |
Tender notice for supply of DESKTOP COMPUTER WITH INTEL i5-8 TH GEN PROCESSOR, 32 GB RAM etc. [New] | 1863/060319/1590/EQPT | 24-06-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 17-06-2019 |
Tender notice for supply of -30oC UPRIGHT FREEZER [New] | 2286/300519/1177/EQPT | 01-07-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 17-06-2019 |
Tender notice for supply of Refrigerated Incubator Shaker. [New] | 2300/030619/896 9/ITES | 01-07-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 17-06-2019 |
Tender notice for supply of Academic Software Licenses for CCMB (MS Office 2019 Professional). [New] | 2372/130619/1493/ITES | 01-07-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 17-06-2019 |
Tender notice for Renewal of IPA Software for 1 Year. | 2118/070519/1675 /MISC | 24-06-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 14-06-2019 |
Tender notice for supply of -30oC DOUBLE DOOR UPRIGHT FREEZER [New] | 2296/030619/1626/EQPT | 24-06-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 11-06-2019 |
Tender notice for Bruker NMR Spectrometer Labscape Helium Contract [New] | 2310/060619/1205 /MISC | 17-06-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 11-06-2019 |
Retender notice for supply of Liquid Nitrogen Tank Box Type Inventory for Biological Sample Storage. [New] | 1529/050219/1519/EQPT | 17-06-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 07-06-2019 |
Tender notice for the supply/installation/commissioning of -30o UPRIGHT FREEZER, | 1530/050219/1519/EQPT | 17-06-2019 up to 1:00PM | 04-06-2019 |
Tender notice for the supply/installation/commissioning of Table Top Refrigerated Centrifuge with 24 x 1.5 ml rotor for 230V/50Hz | 1532/050219/1519/EQPT | 17-06-2019 up to 1:00PM | 04-06-2019 |
Tender notice for Supply of Small Animal Ventilator along with Anesthesia System. [New] | 1527/050219/8954/EQPT | 27-05-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 15-05-2019 |
Tender notice for Supply of Binocular Stereo Microscope with LED Illumination. [New] | 1539/050219/1519/EQPT | 27-05-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 15-05-2019 |
Tender notice for Replacement of damaged flooring in Stores Basement area... etc. [New] | CCMB/WKS-36/18 | 07-05-2019 up to 2:30 PM | 04-04-2019 |
Retender notice for supply of Photocopier on Rent/Hire basis with Operator. [New] | 1828/220219/1205/MISC | 15-04-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 02-04-2019 |
Tender notice for the supply/installation/commissioning of Neon Transfection Systems | 4244/130320/1741 /EQPT | 27-03-2020 up to 1:00PM | 21-03-2019 |
Tender notice for the supply/installation/commissioning of Hand held Thermal Imager | 2648/300719/1177/EQPT | 24-03-2020 at 1:00PM | 11-03-2019 |
Tender notice for Supply of Micro Tower with Intel core i7 with 8th generation. [New] | 1399/290119/ITES/EQPT | 13-03-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 28-02-2019 |
Tender notice for Supply of Mid-Tower Dual Xeon Workstation. [New] | 1528/050219/1597/EQPT | 13-03-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 28-02-2019 |
Tender notice for Supply of Photocopier on Rent/Hire basis with Operator. [New] | 1828/220219/1205/MISC | 13-03-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 28-02-2019 |
Tender notice for Supply of Tabletop Rodent Anaesthesia delivery system. [New] | 1808/190219/ANMH/EQPT | 13-03-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 28-02-2019 |
Tender notice for Supply of Haematology Analyzer for Cell Counting. [New] | 1807/190219/ANMH/EQPT | 13-03-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 28-02-2019 |
Tender notice for Supply of Ruckus Wireless Zone Flex R710 Dual-Band. [New] | 1509/040219/ITES/SPARE | 11-03-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 22-02-2019 |
Tender notice for Supply of Dual Block Gradient PCR Machine for 220V, 50Hz Operation. [New] | 1515/050219/1463/EQPT | 11-03-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 22-02-2019 |
Tender notice for Supply of Wet/Tank Electroblotting System for Protein Transfer. [New] | 1516/050219/1519/EQPT | 11-03-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 22-02-2019 |
Tender notice for Supply of -30oC UPRIGHT FREEZER. [New] | 1715/060219/5838/EQPT | 11-03-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 22-02-2019 |
Tender notice for Supply of Binocular Stereo Zoom Microscope With Bright Field/Dark Field Base, etc. [New] | 1716/060219/5838/EQPT | 11-03-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 22-02-2019 |
Tender notice for Supply of -30oC DOUBLE DOOR UPRIGHT FREEZER. [New] | 1719/060219/1760/EQPT | 11-03-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 22-02-2019 |
Tender notice for Supply of Gradient PCR Machine for 220V, 50Hz Operation. [New] | 1720/060219/1760/EQPT | 11-03-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 22-02-2019 |
Tender notice for Supply of Table Top Refrigerated Centrifuge with rotors for 230V/50Hz. [New] | 1721/060219/1760/EQPT | 11-03-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 22-02-2019 |
Tender notice for Fabrication, Supply & Installation of Emergency Fire Escape M.S. Stair Case for Students Hostel at LaCONES. [New] | CCMB/WKS-24/18 | 13-03-2019 up to 2:30 PM | 22-02-2019 |
Tender notice for the supply/installation/commissioning of Trinocular Inverted Phase Contrast Microscope with CCD camera for Bright Field and Phase Contrast Imaging [New] | 0622/250918/1519/EQPT | 05-03-2019 up to 1:00PM | 12-02-2019 |
Tender notice for the supply/installation/commissioning of Trinocular inverted phase contrast Microscope with ccd camera for bright Field and phase contrast imaging.cctv Camera with monitor for teaching purpose [New] | 0643/031018/1331/EQPT | 27-02-2019 up to 1:00PM | 12-02-2019 |
Tender notice for Supply of Table Top Water Purification System Consisting of High Grade Primary Water Purification System and Ultrapure Table Top Water Purification System and Pre Filtration unit. [New] | 1264/220119/1597/EQPT | 05-03-2019 up to 1:30 PM | 06-02-2019 |
Tender notice for Supply of Automated High Density Sample Storage and Retrieval System -80 Deg C. [New] | 1280/230119/1738/EQPT | 05-03-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 06-02-2019 |
Tender notice for Supply of Automated Next-Generation Medium Throughput Sequencing System. [New] | 1208/160119/1467/EQPT | 05-03-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 05-02-2019 |
Tender notice for Supply of Fully Automated Benchtop Circulating Tumor Cells (CTC) Isolation and recovery System. [New] | 1225/180119/1561/EQPT | 05-03-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 05-02-2019 |
Tender notice for Supply of Nano Particle Tracking System. [New] | 1228/180119/1110/EQPT | 05-03-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 05-02-2019 |
Tender notice for Supply of High Resolution Maldi TOF-TOF System. [New] | 1240/190119/5703/EQPT | 05-03-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 05-02-2019 |
Tender notice for High Speed Floor Model Refrigerated Centrifuge With Rotors. [New] | 1320/240119/8969/EQPT | 05-03-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 05-02-2019 |
Tender notice for Microprocessor Based Semi-Automatic Horizontal Front Loading Rectangular High Pressure Single Door Steam Sterilizer/Autoclave. [New] | 1331/280119/8969/EQPT | 05-03-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 05-02-2019 |
Tender notice for Supply of Fully Automated 3 Part Differential Haematology Analyzer. [New] | 1259/210119/1554/EQPT | 13-02-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 02-02-2019 |
Tender notice for Refrigerated - Heating Circulator for Biological Research Applications. [New] | 0892/161118/1597/EQPT | 13-02-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 31-01-2019 |
Tender notice for Gradient PCR Machine for 220V, 50Hz Operation. [New] | 1232/180119/8030/EQPT | 13-02-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 31-01-2019 |
Tender notice for Programmable Peltier based Dry Bath for Mixing, Cooling and Heating. [New] | 1234/180119/8030/EQPT | 13-02-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 31-01-2019 |
Tender notice for Cooled Incubator. [New] | 1242/210119/8030/EQPT | 13-02-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 31-01-2019 |
Tender notice for Table Top Refrigerated Centrifuge with rotors for 230V/50Hz. [New] | 1231/180119/8030/EQPT & 1276/230119/1561/EQPT | 13-02-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 31-01-2019 |
Tender notice for Liquid Nitrogen Containers-Box Type For Biological Sample Storage. [New] | 1285/240119/1741/EQPT | 13-02-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 31-01-2019 |
Tender notice for 1) PR-Edico-01: Edico Genomics Dragen Software for data analysis- Whole genome, Exome and other analysis with 3 years warranty. 2) PR-Server-01: Server for Edico genomics with 3years warranty.. [New] | 1207/160119/1467/EQPT | 06-02-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 29-01-2019 |
Tender notice for Imaging Accessories for AVHD 600mhz WB Spectrometer (accessories for NMR). [New] | 1266/220119/1652/EQPT | 06-02-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 29-01-2019 |
Tender notice for Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatography (UHPLC) system. [New] | 0666/081018/5703/EQPT | 18-02-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 25-01-2019 |
Tender notice for Bench Top Ultra-High Throughput System for Parallel Sample Partitioning and molecular Barcoding Starter Pack. [New] | 1098/030119/1580/EQPT | 04-02-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 25-01-2019 |
Retender notice for supply of UV_VIS Spectrophotometer for micro volume measurements. [New] | 0576/150918/1565/EQPT | 04-02-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 24-01-2019 |
Tender notice for Reference based alignment & Varian Calling for Buffalo `Y` Chromosome & SNP Filtering, etc. [New] | 0625/250918/1479/CH | 28-01-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 19-01-2019 |
Tender notice for the supply/installation/commissioning of 100% Oil Free Scroll Air Compressor [New] | 3363/091219/1531/EQPT | 03-02-2020 up to 4:00PM | 16-01-2019 |
Retender notice for Workstation is required for Imaris Image Analysis Software at Advanced Microscopy and Imaging Facility. [New] | 0623/250918/1519/EQPT | 28-01-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 09-01-2019 |
Retender notice for supply of Stackable Refrigerated Incubator Shaker. [New] | 0789/291018/8969/EQPT | 28-01-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 09-01-2019 |
Tender notice for Network Attached Storage (NAS) of 400TB. [New] | 0990/121218/1670/ITES | 28-01-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 09-01-2019 |
Tender notice for Consumables for Transmission & Scanning electron Microscope sample preparation & analysis.[New] | 1090/020119/INST/SPARE | 28-01-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 09-01-2019 |
Tender notice for supply of Aruba 3810M 48 Gig POE+ switch etc. [New] | 1102/040119/1574/ITES | 28-01-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 09-01-2019 |
Tender notice for a) Photocopier on Rent/Hire basis (Without Operator) -7 no. b) Photocopier on Rent/Hire basis with Trained Operator -1 no. [New] | 1148/090119/1697/MISC | 23-01-2019 up to 1:00 PM | 09-01-2019 |
Tender notice for Annual Contract for Housekeeping at CSIR-CCMB, Canteen & Guest House and its Annexe Buildings in Hyderabad. [New] | CCMB/Gen/HK&CGH/2019 | 15-01-2019 upto 2:00 PM | 31-12-2018 |
Retender notice for Supply Of Pressure Pump For Microfluidic Device Applications. [New] | 0364/310718/1735/EQPT | 09-01-2019 up to 1:00PM | 18-12-2018 |
Retender notice for Supply Of Dual INTEL XEON GOLD E7-8870V4 Series Processor. [New] | 0811/311018/ITES/ EQPT | 02-01-2019 up to 1:00PM | 13-12-2018 |
Tender notice for License Renewal Of Symantec Endpoint Protection Suit And Altiris Patch Management Software [New] | 0943/271118/1681/ITES | 19-12-2018 up to 1:00PM | 12-12-2018 |
Retender notice for supply of Binocular Upright Microscope [New] | 0628/250918/1683/EQPT | 26-12-2018 up to 1:00PM | 12-12-2018 |
Tender notice for Supply Of High Purity Gases Like Nitrogen, Argon, Hydrogen, Helium Etc. (RC). | 0529/070918/STOR/MISC | 19-12-2018 up to 1:00PM | 05-12-2018 |
Tender notice for Programmable Peltier Based Dry Bath For Mixing, Cooling And Heating. | 0774/241018/1554/EQPT | 19-12-2018 up to 1:00PM | 05-12-2018 |
Tender notice for Tissue Homogenizer With Cooling System. | 0793/291018/1621/EQPT | 19-12-2018 up to 1:00PM | 05-12-2018 |
Tender notice for Light Sheet Microscope For Fixed And Live Biological Samples. | 0698/111018/1741/EQPT | 28-11-2018 upto 01:00 PM | 25-10-2018 |
Tender notice for Binocular Inverted Microscope With Phase And Fluorescence Attachment with CCD Camera for Live Cells Imaging. | 0699/111018/1519/EQPT | 28-11-2018 upto 01:00 PM | 25-10-2018 |
Tender notice for High End Motorized Upright Research Grade Fluorescence Microscope With Optical Tomography And Accessories. | 0700/111018/1519/EQPT | 28-11-2018 upto 01:00 PM | 25-10-2018 |
Tender notice for Motorised Micro Manipulator System for Embryo Micromanipulation. | 0701/111018/1741/EQPT | 28-11-2018 upto 01:00 PM | 25-10-2018 |
Tender notice for Haemoglobin Variant Detection System. | 0514/050918/1554/EQPT | 28-11-2018 upto 01:00 PM | 24-10-2018 |
Tender notice for Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatography System. | 0666/081018/5703/EQPT | 28-11-2018 upto 01:00 PM | 24-10-2018 |
Tender notice for Computer Assisted Semen Analysis System (Casa) For Veterinary Purpose. | 0693/101018/1621/EQPT | 28-11-2018 upto 01:00 PM | 24-10-2018 |
Tender notice for the supply/installation/commissioning of Gradient PCR Machine for 220V, 50Hz operation. | 0629/250918/1683/EQPT & 0645/031018/1331/EQPT | 31-10-2018 up to 1:00PM | 16-10-2018 |
Tender notice for the supply/installation/commissioning of Trinocular Inverted Phase Contrast Microscope with CCD camera for Bright Field and Phase Contrast Imaging. | 0643/031018/1331/EQPT & 0622/250918/1519/EQPT | 31-10-2018 up to 1:00PM | 16-10-2018 |
Tender notice for the supply/installation/commissioning and testing of 20KVA and 40KVA UPS Systems | 0637/280918/1450/EQPT | 29-10-2018 up to 1:00PM | 15-10-2018 |
Tender notice for the supply/installation/commissioning and testing of Refrigerated - Heating Circulator for Biological Research Lab. | 0627/250918/1683/EQPT | 29-10-2018 up to 1:00PM | 15-10-2018 |
Tender notice for the supply/installation/commissioning and testing of Table Top Refrigerated Centrifuge with 24 x 1.5 ml rotor for 230V/50Hz | 0626/250918/1683/EQPT | 29-10-2018 up to 1:00PM | 15-10-2018 |
Tender Notice for Workstation for Imaris Image Analysis Software at Advanced Imaging Facility | 0623/250918/1519/EQPT | 22-10-2018 up to 1:00PM | 10-10-2018 |
Tender Notice for Plain Pipet-Aid with 220V, 50hzoperation without Charger (Non Portable) with Tissue Culture Nose-Piece, Suitable for Pipettes Of 0.1ml To 100ml | 0644/031018/1331/EQPT | 22-10-2018 up to 1:00PM | 10-10-2018 |
Tender Notice for Hot Air Oven For Biological Research Lab | 0646/031018/1331/EQPT | 24-10-2018 up to 1:00PM | 08-10-2018 |
Tender notice for the supply/installation/commissioning and testing of Water bath with bath cover for biological research lab | 0647/031018/1331/EQPT | 24-10-2018 up to 1:00PM | 05-10-2018 |
Tender notice for the supply/installation/commissioning and testing of Repeater Pipette with Display, | 0648/031018/1331/EQPT | 24-10-2018 up to 1:00PM | 05-10-2018 |
Tender notice for the supply/installation/commissioning and testing of Biosafety Cabinet Class II/A2. | 0513/040918/1331/EQPT | 15-10-2018 up to 1:00PM | 04-10-2018 |
Declaration of marks obtained by the tenderers for providing P.M.C services for construction of differenet buildings | 26-09-2018 | ||
Tender notice for the supply/installation/commissioning of Raster Photoplotter for Mask Making. | 0365/310718/1735/EQPT | 03-10-2018 up to 1:00PM | 18-09-2018 |
Tender notice for the supply/installation/commissioning of Binocular Stereo Microscope With LED illumination | 0318/170718/1583/EQPT | 24-09-2018 Up to 1:00PM | 11-09-2018 |
Tender notice for the supply/installation/commissioning of Portable Electrochemical Spectroscopy System | 0366/310718/1735/EQPT | 10-09-2018 up to 1:00PM | 29-08-2018 |
Tender notice for the supply/installation/commissioning of of Bottles for Existing Beckman Ultra and High speed Centrifuges | 0251/260618/1496/SPARE | 10-09-2018 up to 1:00PM | 29-08-2018 |
Tender notice for the supply/installation/commissioning of -30℃ UPRIGHT FREEZER | 0264/280618/1458/EQPT | 29-08-2018 yp to 1:00PM | 17-08-2018 |
Tender notice for the supply/installation/commissioning of Binocular Stereo Microscope With LED illumination, etc | 0318/170718/1583/EQPT | 29-08-2018 up to 1:00PM | 17-08-2018 |
Tender notice for the supply/installation/commissioning of HPC System | 0225/190618/1554/EQPT | 18-09-2018 up to 1:00PM | 14-08-2018 |
Tender notice for the supply/installation/commissioning of Phosphor Imaging System | 0367/310718/1597/EQPT | 18-09-2018 up to 1:00PM | 14-08-2018 |
Tender notice for the supply/installation/commissioning and testing of 12V 42 AH SMF Batteries for our UPS Systems | 0240/220618/BRIT/EQPT | 23-07-2018 up to 1:00PM | 05-07-2018 |
Tender Notice for Table Top Refrigerated Centrifuge | 0182/120618/1458/EQPT | 11-07-2018 Up to 1:00 PM | 29-06-2018 |
Tender Notice for Thermomixer Incubator | 0183/120618/1458/EQPT | 11-07-2018 Up to 1:00 PM | 29-06-2018 |
Tender Notice for PCR Machine | 0184/120618/1458/EQPT | 11-07-2018 Up to 1:00 PM | 29-06-2018 |
Tender notice for the supply/installation/commissioning of 6 KVA 1Ph Input & 1Ph output UPS system with battery bank for backup | 0075 /150518/1450/EQPT | 27-06-2018 up to 01:00PM | 13-06-2018 |
Tender notice for Rabbit Feed - Pellet | 0090/210518/ANMH/MISC | 06-06-2018 up to 1:00 PM | 23-05-2018 |
Tender notice for the supply/installation/commissioning of -86℃ Upright Single Door Low Temperature Deep Freezer | 0037/260418/1458/EQPT | 30-05-2018 up to 01:00PM | 18-05-2018 |
Tender notice for the supply/installation/commissioning of -86℃ Single Door Upright Ultra Low Temperature Deep Freezer | 9072/130318/1554/MA | 22-03-2018 up to 1:00PM | 12-03-2018 |
Tender notice for the supply/installation/commissioning of -30℃ Upright Freezer etc, QTY.02 Nos, | 9073/130318/1554/MA | 22-03-2018 up to 1:00PM | 12-03-2018 |
Tender notice for the supply/installation/commissioning of Topload Electronic Balance | 8993/060318/8954/MA | 19-03-2018 up to 1:00PM | 10-03-2018 |
Tender notice for the supply/installation/commissioning of Topload Dual Range Semi-Micro Electronic Balance | 8996/060318/8954/MA | 19-03-2018 up to 1:00PM | 10-03-2018 |
Tender notice for -86° C Single Door Upright Ultra Low Temperature Deep Freezer etc | 8982/050318/1597/MA | 19-03-2018 Up to 1:00 PM | 08-03-2018 |
Tender notice for Table Top Refrigerated Centrifuges With Rotors and Accessories | 8994/060318/8954/MA | 19-03-2018 Up to 1:00 PM | 08-03-2018 |
Tender notice for Gradiant PCR Machine | 8995/060318/8954/MA | 19-03-2018 Up to 1:00 PM | 08-03-2018 |
Tender notice for Gell Documentation System | 9009/070318/8954/MA | 19-03-2018 Up to 1:00 PM | 08-03-2018 |
Tender notice for Standalone UV-VIS Micro Volume Spectrophotometer | 9011/070318/8954/MA | 19-03-2018 Up to 1:00 PM | 08-03-2018 |
Retender notice for supply of 561nm laser upgrade for Moflo XDP system | 8549/221117/1741/MA | 19-03-2018 Up to 1:00 PM | 08-03-2018 |
Retender notice for supply of USG/Color Doppler System | 8690/020118/1554/MA | 19-03-2018 Up to 1:00 PM | 07-03-2018 |
Tender notice for Plant Growth Chamber | 8786/240118/5713/MA | 15-03-2018 Up to 1:00 PM | 04-03-2018 |
Tender notice for Refrigerated Orbital Incubator Shaker | 8876/070218/5713/MA | 15-032018 Up to 1:00 PM | 04-03-2018 |
Tender notice for the supply/installation/commissioning of Vibrating blade microtome | 8570/281117/1675/MA | 12-03-2018 up to 1:00PM | 01-03-2018 |
Tender notice for the supply/installation/commissioning of shaking water bath | 8931/140218/1554/MA | 08-03-2018 Up to 1:00PM | 23-02-2018 |
Tender notice for HPC CLUSTER | 8945/160218/1554/MA | 12-03-2018 Up to 1:00 PM | 21-02-2018 |
Tender notice for Whole Human Genome Sequencing | 8946/160218/1554/CH | 12-03-2018 Up to 1:00 PM | 21-02-2018 |
Retender for supply of Stackable Refrigerated Incubator Shaker | 8357/141017/8969/MA | 05-03-2018 Up to 1:00 PM | 20-02-2018 |
Retender for supply of Refrigerated Incubators | 8375/141017/8969/MA | 05-03-2018 Up to 1:00 PM | 20-02-2018 |
Retender for supply of Cell Density Meter-Dedicated for O.D 600nm Measurement etc. | 8379/141017/8969/MA | 05-03-2018 Up to 1:00 PM | 20-02-2018 |
Retender for supply of Bead Beater / Tissue lyser for Cell Disruption / Homogenization | 8552/221117/1620/MA | 05-03-2018 Up to 1:00 PM | 20-02-2018 |
Tender notification for MOFLO XDP SYSTEM | 8549/221117/1741/MA | 05-03-2018 Up to 1:00 PM | 17-02-2018 |
Retender for supply of Micro Plate Elisa Washer | 8553/221117/1620/MA | 28-02-2018 Up to 1:00 PM | 17-02-2018 |
Retender for supply of Bio-Homogenizer | 8537/211117/1683/MA | 28-02-2018 Up to 1:00 PM | 17-02-2018 |
Tender notification for Annual Contract for Supply of Taxies and Other Vehicles to CCMB | CCMB/Gen/Taxies/2018 | 12-02-2018 up to3:30 PM | 25-01-2018 |
Tender notification for Annual Contract for Supply of Taxies to CCMB on Point to Point Basis | CCMB/Gen/Taxies/PP/2018 | 13-02-2018 up to 1:00PM | 25-01-2018 |
Tender notification for Annual Contract for Housekeeping at CSIR-CCMB and its Annexe Buildings in Hyderabad | CCMB/Gen/HK/2018 | 14-02-2018 up to 1:00PM | 25-01-2018 |
Tender notice for Yeast Tetrad Dissection Microscope General reminder to all bidders of tender advt.No:2/2017 Dtd:11-01-2018 |
8356/141017/8969/MA | 21-02-2018 Up to 1:00PM | 12-01-2018 |
Tender notice for Infrared Western Blot Imaging Scanner General reminder to all bidders of tender advt.No:2/2017 Dtd:11-01-2018 |
8542/221117/1669/MA | 15-02-2018 Up to 1:00PM | 12-01-2018 |
Tender notice for High End Motorised Binocular Inverted Microscope General reminder to all bidders of tender advt.No:2/2017 Dtd:11-01-2018 |
8543/221117/1741/MA | 21-02-2018 Up to 1:00PM | 12-01-2018 |
Tender notice for High Sensitive Spectral Confocal System General reminder to all bidders of tender advt.No:2/2017 Dtd:11-01-2018 |
8544/221117/1519/MA | 15-02-2018 Up to 1:00PM | 12-01-2018 |
Tender notice for Research Grade Fully Motorised Inverted Microscope General reminder to all bidders of tender advt.No:2/2017 Dtd:11-01-2018 |
8545/221117/1519/MA | 21-02-2018 Up to 1:00PM | 12-01-2018 |
Tender notice for High Performance Flow Cytomer System General reminder to all bidders of tender advt.No:2/2017 Dtd:11-01-2018 |
8546/221117/1519/MA | 15-02-2018 Up to 1:00PM | 12-01-2018 |
Tender notice for Near Infrared Spectrometer For Rapid Feed Analysis General reminder to all bidders of tender advt.No:2/2017 Dtd:11-01-2018 |
8548/221117/1738/MA | 15-02-2018 Up to 1:00PM | 12-01-2018 |
Tender notice for Usg/Color Doppler System General reminder to all bidders of tender advt.No:2/2017 Dtd:11-01-2018 |
8690/020118/1554/MA | 28-02-2018 Up to 1:00PM | 12-01-2018 |
Tender Title
Reference Number
The complete information about the notification is available in a downloadable pdf