CSIR - Centre for Cellular & Molecular Biology
Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
Ministry of Science & Technology, Govt. of India
Senior Principal Scientist
Email: shrish@ccmb.res.in
Phone: +91-040-27192777
Research Interests
The interest of the group lies in sequence analysis of genomic and protein sequences. In particular, we have been involved in designing de novo methods for the prediction of protein-coding genes. We are also looking at possible role of SNPs as diagnostic markers or as causative agents for diseases. Given a set of SNPs potentially associated with a phenotype, we have developed an algorithm to prioritise those that are likely to be truly associated. We have also interest in the analysis of non-coding RNAs, prediction of novel miRNAs harboured in genes of interest.
Selected Publications
Reddy, B.V.B., Ramesh, P. and Tiwari, S. 1998 “MEICPS: A program to suggest substituted point mutations to engineer intracellular protein stability”, Bioinformatics 14, 225-226.
Reddy, B.V.B., Datta S. and Tiwari, S. 1998 “Use of propensities of amino acids to the local structural environments to understand effect of substitution mutations on protein stability”, Protein Engineering 11, 1137-1145.
Jehan, Z., Vallinayagam, S., Tiwari, S., Pradhan, S., Singh, L. Suresh, A., Reddy, H.M., Ahuja, Y.R. and Jesudasan, R.A. 2007 “Novel non-coding RNA from human Y distal heterochromatic block (Yq12) generates testis-specific chimeric Cdc2L2”, Genome Research 17, 433-440.
A. Bhardwaj, M. Mukherji, S. Sharma, J. Paul, C.S. Gokhale, A.K. Srivastava and S. Tiwari (2009) “MtSNPscore: a combined evidence approach for assessing cumulative impact of mitochondrial variations in disease”, BMC Bioinformatics 10 (Suppl 8), S7.
Education & Experience
P.G: | Physics ; IIT Kanpur ; 1990 |
Ph.D: | Studies in complexity: Applications to dynamical systems and genomic sequences ; JNU, New Delhi ; 1996 |
Post.Doc: | Protein stability and secondary structure prediction ; CCMB, Hyderabad ; 1997-1999 Protein structure analysis ; NCI, NIH, Bethesda, Maryland, USA ; 1999-2001 |
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Title | Journal | Year |
Whole-genome sequencing of KMR3 and Oryza rufipogon-derived introgression line IL50-13 (Chinsurah Nona 2/Gosaba 6) identifies candidate genes for high yield and salinity tolerance in Rice | Front. Plant Sci. | 2022 |
Y chromosomal noncoding RNAs regulate autosomal gene expression via piRNAs in mouse testis | BMC Biology | 2021 |
LeukmiR: a database for miRNAs and their targets in acute lymphoblastic leukemia | Database | 2020 |
Structure-activity relationship of serotonin derived tocopherol lipids | Int. J. Pharm. | 2019 |
Identification of sphingolipid-binding motif in G-protein coupled receptors | Biochemical and Biophysical roles of cell surface molecules | 2018 |
OncomiRdbB: a comprehensive database of microRNAs and their targets in breast cancer | BMC Bioinformatics | 2014 |
Sphingolipid-binding domain in the serotonin1A receptor | Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. | 2012 |
RiDs db: Repeats in diseases database | Bioinformation | 2011 |
Molecular modelling of the human serotonin1A receptor: role of membrane cholesterol in ligand binding of the receptor | 1. Mol. Biosys. 7, 224-234 (2011). | 2011 |
Identification of cholesterol recognition amino acid consensus (CRAC) motif in G-protein coupled receptors | 1. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 404, 569-573 (2011). | 2011 |
Structural and antigenic variance between novel influenza A/H1N1/2009 and influenza A/H1N1/2008 viruses | 1. J. Infect. Dev. Ctries 4, 001-006 (2010). | 2010 |
Are specific nonannular cholesterol binding sites present in G-protein coupled receptors? | Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1788, 295-302 (2009). | 2009 |
MtSNPscore: a combined evidence approach for assessing cumulative impact of mitochondrial variations in disease | BMC Bioinformatics 10 (Suppl 8), S7 (2009). | 2009 |
Genetic landscape of the people of India: a canvas for disease gene exploration | Journal of Genetics | 2008 |
Genetic landscape of the people of India: a canvas for disease gene exploration | Journal of Genetics 87, 3-20 (2008). | 2008 |
Novel non-coding RNA from human Y distal heterochromatic block (Yq12) generates testis-specific chimeric Cdc2L2 | Genome Research 17, 433-440 (2007). | 2007 |
The Indian Genome Variation databases (IGVdb): a project review | 1. Human Genetics 118, 1-11 (2005). | 2005 |
A statistical analytical approach to predict secondary structure of proteins from amino acid sequence information | Theoretical Chemistry Accounts | 1999 |
MEICPS: A program to suggest substituted point mutations to engineer intracellular protein stability | Bioinformatics | 1998 |
Use of propensities of amino acids to the local structural environments to understand effect of substitution mutations on protein stability | Protein Engineering | 1998 |