CSIR - Centre for Cellular & Molecular Biology
Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
Ministry of Science & Technology, Govt. of India
Email: vinaykn@ccmb.res.in
Phone: +91-040-27192534
Tuberculosis has been a long-standing problem in our country. Its complex physiology and ability to survive in hostile environments, coupled with the serious rise in multidrug-resistant (MDR) and extensively drug-resistant (XDR) tuberculosis cases, has necessitated the renewal of efforts to understand the molecular basis of its pathogenesis. To effectively treat tuberculosis, it is imperative to find newer targets, which are important for in-vivo bacterial survival and persistence. We work broadly on the following three areas.
Khan, M., Singha, B., Ali, F., Taunk, K., Rapole, S., Gourinath, S., & Nandicoori, V.K. (2021) Redox homeostasis in Mycobacterium tuberculosis is modulated by a novel actinomycetes-specific transcription factor. EMBO J , e106111.
Naz, S., Dabral, S., Nagarajan, S., Arora, D., Singh, L.V., Kumar, P., Singh, D., Kumar, D., Varshney, U. & Nandicoori, V.K. (2021) Compromised base excision repair pathway in Mycobacterium tuberculosis imparts superior adaptability in the host. Plos Pathogens 17 :e1009452. doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1009452.
Bhaskar, A., Kumar, S., Khan, M.Z., Singh, A., Dwivedi, V.P. & Nandicoori, V.K. (2020) Host Sirtuin 2 as an Immunotherapeutic Target against Tuberculosis. eLife Jul 22;9:e55415. doi: 10.7554/eLife.55415
Lochab, S., Singh, Y., Sengupta, S. & Nandicoori, V. K. (2020) Mycobacterium tuberculosis exploits host ATM kinase for survival advantage through SecA2 secretome. eLife Mar 30;9. pii: e51466. doi: 10.7554/eLife.51466.
Kaur, P., Rausch, M., Malakar, B., Watson, U., Damle, N. P., Chawla, Y., Srinivasan, S., Sharma, K., Schneider, T., Jhingan, G. D., Saini, D., Mohanty, D., Grein, F & Nandicoori, V. K. (2019) LipidII Interaction with specific residues of Mycobacterium tuberculosis PknB extracytoplasmic domain governs its optimal activation. Nature Communications 10, 1231 doi: 10.1038/s41467-019-09223-9.
Education & Experience
P.G: | Biotechnology ; Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay ; 1989-91 |
Ph.D: | MCBL, Indian Institute of Sciences, Bangalore ; 1991-97 ; |
Post.Doc: | Texas A & M University, College Station, Texas, USA. ; Oct 1997-Oct 2000
Experience: | Scientist: National Institute of Immunology, New Delhi, July 2004-May 2021 |
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